Sunday, November 6, 2011


The picture shows the moon as it looked when I walked tonight.
Waxing gibbous moon
The words themselves a poem
Turning full moon soon
A repost which I use from time to time when the gibbous moon shines in the night sky.


  1. "Waxing gibbous moon" is good. It sounds like the sort of moon that you need to greet with melancholy howls and carnivorous snarling while you execute some sort of mad dance.

  2. I love the words. A friend who is a poet taught me the word 'gibbous' when he used it in a poem. I had to look it up. I see it as gobbling up the dark side of the moon to make it full of light.

  3. From

    gibbous [ˈgɪbəs], gibbose [ˈgɪbəʊs]
    1. (Astronomy) (of the moon or a planet) more than half but less than fully illuminated
    2. having a hunchback; hunchbacked
    3. bulging
    [from Late Latin gibbōsus humpbacked, from Latin gibba hump]
    gibbously adv
    gibbousness n

    Adj. 1. gibbous - characteristic of or suffering from kyphosis, an abnormality of the vertebral column
    crookback, crookbacked, humpbacked, humped, hunchbacked, kyphotic
    unfit - not in good physical or mental condition; out of condition; "fat and very unfit"; "certified as unfit for army service"; "drunk and unfit for service"
    2. gibbous - (used of the moon) more than half full
    bulging, convex - curving or bulging outward

  4. ... the moon is drunk and unfit for service :)

    They're fabulous words. Arooooo!!!!

  5. Cathy, I don't remember finding all those other definitions, however, it was a long time ago. Maybe I just paid attention to the def that applied to the moon. Think of it! The moon drunk and unfit for service. I'll be sad if the moon is discharged. I kind of like seeing it up there.

  6. The gibbous moon:

  7. Murdoch, thank you. It's a wonderful waxing gibbous moon cartoon.


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