Sunday, December 25, 2011


Above you see me modeling one of my Christmas presents, an orange reflector vest. The purpose of the vest is to keep me from being run down by a car when I take my nightly walk.

As you see above, the reflector vest works. I'm not sure what the drivers will think I am, but perhaps not knowing is best, because they may avoid me because I could damage their cars.

UPDATE: A more ethereal view from my daughter-in law. LOL!


  1. wot about that owl that attacks you, Mimi? It will be completely discombobulated.

  2. Oh Cathy, serendipity! I never thought of the owl. I hope he will be completely discombobulated and stay away from me. Of course, since owls are attracted to light, it could go the other way. :-(

  3. well it could, the owl might end up permanently stuck to your orange reflector vest!

  4. Perhaps an owl stuck to the front of my vest would keep the other owls away, although it would get smelly. I'd probably have to throw the vest away.

  5. Perhaps an owl stuck to the front of my vest would keep the other owls away, although it would get smelly. I'd probably have to throw the vest away.

  6. Love the vest Mimi. You'd fit right in here in shaky Christchurch. Hi-vis is the fashion statement of the year here...and I haven't heard of any owls getting stuck on anyone's vest!

  7. Ann, especially in the second photo, right?

    Marez, if you didn't know before, you now know that we get downright silly here.

    I hope you folks in Christchurch experienced the joy of the day in spite of the earthquake. I pray for you.

  8. JCF, you'll have me full of myself with that kind of talk, but I love it. ;-)

  9. Now all you really need is one of those flashlight head gear thingys and you'll be really hot to trot --and confuse the owl to no end!!!

    Here's one:

  10. You need turn signals on your sneakers.

  11. That's my Mimi, always shining brightly, a light in the darkness!!

  12. That's a nice vest, Mimi. I've got one too for when I ride my bike, but mine is yellow and not nearly as nice. I'm almost incited to jealousy.

  13. Mimi, at first glance I thought you were all ready to go hunting!

  14. margaret, the headlamp is on sale! Thank you. I'm thinking of what a great fashion statement the two items will make when I wear them together. And Counterlight's suggestion of turn signals on my sneakers will be the perfect finishing touch.

    Oh Fran, thank you, my you are a light to many.

    Lindy, I know the temptation is great, but 'tis not the season to be jealous, although many people are. 'Tis the season to be jolly. :-D

    whiteycat, I don't hunt. I could never shoot an animal....except perhaps if a grizzly was coming for me.

  15. I want some of those shoes with the flashing lights like the little kids wear. -Maybe they would work for your outfit!

    wv. oydal --- Hebrew for Uff Dah

  16. Ann, that's a thought. I wonder if the shoes with flashing lights come in adult sizes.

  17. Those who drive in darkness will see a great light. :)

  18. Bonnie, bravo! I love it. I laughed and laughed.

    This thread is such fun.

  19. Then I am honored. I have "lifted" so many of your humorous stories to tell as ice breakers at coffee hour. Still entertaining folks with "You brought pavement?" (Especially appropriate for stewardship campaigns.)

  20. It's your Angel Light! 0:-)

    wv, "levent": on your angel wings?

  21. JCF, an apparition from an 'angel' like that would scare the hell out of me, for sure.

  22. Mimi, that third photo is definitely scary.

  23. Actually you look like you're about to go nuclear.

  24. The pic is not only scary, it could blind you. The photo is not shopped, either. That's how it came out.

  25. You can get clip-on lights at Academy. I've got some and they light me up real good.

  26. Oh Lindy, how I'd love to see you lit up.


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