Friday, December 16, 2011


From Maureen Dowd in the New York Times:
But next to Romney, Gingrich seems authentic. Next to Herman Cain, Gingrich seems faithful. Next to Jon Huntsman, Gingrich seems conservative. Next to Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, Gingrich actually does look like an intellectual. Unlike the governor of Texas, he surely knows the voting age. To paraphrase Raymond Chandler, if brains were elastic, Perry wouldn’t have enough to make suspenders for a parakeet.


  1. Long message on my answering machine just now from Our Gov, Nookie Haley, announcing her endorsement of Romney in the primary. Guess the GOP Good Old Boys have hauled in her leash. That, or a VEEP-hood has been trailed under her nose.

  2. The Republicans are doing a great job of smearing each other. They've prepared the ground well for their opponents.

  3. I've never had a governor ring me.

  4. Cathy, not even automated voice mail? You are so very fortunate.

  5. Cathy, I'm picturing your birdies wearing wee suspenders, but to hold up what? Birdie trousers?


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