Saturday, July 30, 2011


The post on the Irma Thomas concert at the Sage in Newcastle Upon Tyne is in my head begging to come out, so I will write about the next-to-last big event of my trip first...well not quite first...I had to get the whine out of the way. People thought I was crazy to go to an Irma Thomas concert in Newcastle, when she performs in New Orleans upon Mississippi quite often, but I thought it would be cool to hear the Soul Queen of New Orleans in England and to see the audience reaction over there. MadPriest accompanied me, or rather he drove me in his car. And it was beyond cool. I made no mistake.

Before Irma took the stage, a 'Gospel choir' performed. As the choir came onto the stage, my first, shocked thought was, "They're WHITE!" All right, they were fronting for the Soul Queen, and I expected a black Gospel choir. Silly me. Still, the all-white choir seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves singing soul and blues music.

Next up was the Soul Rebels Brass Band out of New Orleans, and they were excellent. Now we're groovin'! I probably lost a good portion of the little hearing that I have left listening to them, but it was worth it.

Then comes the Divine Irma. I did not know her age at the time of the concert, but I thought she was at least 10 years younger than I, but Thomas is 70 years old! Only 6 years younger, and what energy! And she was off to London to perform at the Barbican Centre the very next day.

Irma and her band put their whole hearts and souls into their performances. She loves her audiences and spends herself for them, and the folks in Newcastle returned her love in abundance. She had her cheat sheets along, her binder with the lyrics of all the songs she's ever recorded, and she took requests from the audience and sang as many of the requests as could be fit into the time. To see the interactions amongst Irma and the members of her band is amazing. They're together as a team in a smooth flow that is a joy to witness.

When I hear soul music with a dancin' beat, it's really hard for me to sit still in a seat, so I was thrilled when the folks in front of me stood up, and I could stand and MOVE in time to the music. I passed a good time; I did.

Earlier in the day, I asked MadPriest if he had a white handkerchief I could borrow. I meant to bring one of Grandpère's with me, but I forgot. When MadPriest asked what I wanted with the handkerchief, I told him that around these parts, it is customary to stand up and wave a white handkerchief in time to a song with a fast beat when Irma performs. He said, "You won't; not with me." Heh, heh. I forgot all about the handkerchief, but I had white tissues. At some point, I got out my tissue and began to wave it. I didn't care if MP was embarrassed. I was gonna do it. I HAD to do it. MadPriest said the bass player gave me a thumbs-up, but I missed seeing it. :-( Later in the show, a member of the audience asked for the "handkerchief song", and Irma passed out tissues to the audience to wave as she sang, and I was no longer alone.

Irma's is a niche fan base, but the fans love her, and they are loyal. It's great to see performers give their best and to see the audience respond with love. To you folks who thought I was crazy, I knew what I was doing, and I received my reward. MadPriest, whose standards are high, said it was a wonderful show.

Below is a note to her fans from Irma's website, linked above, which shows that she never forgets them and their part in her success.
Hello to all my Fans,

This year started on a very good note and turned into a great one! Work has been steady, and the awards just keep on coming.

I received an Offbeat Award, A Blues Music Award, Big Easy Award, a Family Services Award (for my Husband and me), The Mo Jo Magazine of London England Legends Award, and the year is not over. I am so blessed.

You the fans have caused me to be in this position and I want to thank all of you for your dedication and loyalty. Without it I could not survive.

To know you have loyal fans all over the would is a humbling experience to say the least. One can not take for granted, not one of you, and I hope I never ever do that in this lifetime.

Just wanting to say thank you again and looking forward to seeing and singing for you in the coming months.

Look for my new CD, "50th Anniversary Collection" - all the greats!

Love Irma
Picture from Wikipedia.

UPDATE: A review of her performance in Newcastle may be found in JournalAlive.

Irma was in excellent form at the Barbican in London according to the review in The Independent.


Thanks to Roger.


Today, if Dorothy were to encounter men with NO brains, NO hearts, and NO courage...

She wouldn't be in Oz...

She'd be in Congress.

Don't blame me. Blame Doug.

Friday, July 29, 2011


From Patrick Kiarie Nyorogo on Facebook:
Am so sad....i received bad news,regarding my dad Goran,the nature have taken its course and he died......cancer is a killable disease! Oh my God,am shaking!
Damn cancer!

Farewell, sweet friend. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

May Göran rest in peace and rise in glory.

May God give comfort, consolation, and the peace that passes understanding to Patrick and to all who love Göran, including me.

I'll write more later about our friend, but what I've written here is all I can manage for now.


One post only. One bitch and moan post about my flights to England and back, and I'll lay the subject to rest. I promise. My flight from New Orleans to Newark, NJ, was to leave at 3:15PM. In Newark, it was a dark and stormy afternoon. All flights to the airport were delayed because of the weather. At one point, our plane was backing away from the gate, and we were ordered back. Thank heavens the crew let us off the plane, because we stayed in the airport for hours, until I can't remember what time, but so late that I was going to miss my flight to England at 10:10PM, the last overseas flight of the day.

But wait! If all flights were delayed, perhaps my plane to England was delayed. It was! Until 1:30AM! Then it was delayed until 2:30AM because of the weather and because of "issues". Now, I wouldn't want to fly on a plane with "issues". Would you? We finally departed at 4:30AM, which meant that I spent the night at the Newark airport. The fun begins!

Cathy was to meet me at Euston Station in London, where I should have arrived early in the afternoon, but she had to go to work at 4:30PM. I had to get word to her not to meet me, that I would be late, and I'd take a taxi to my hotel. By then, it was past bedtime in my zone, Central Standard Time, and on the East Coast. I had no computer with me, and my phone worked only in the US and Canada. I thought of friends further west in the US and called Ann Fontaine and received no answer, so I left a message, but Ann's husband thought I said "Jewel" instead of "June", so that didn't work. Then I called cher Paul in ABQ, and he answered his phone! I asked him to email Cathy to forget about meeting me, as I would be late, very late. My flight arrived in Manchester, England around 2:00PM, and I took the train to London and rode a taxi to my hotel, arriving there around 5:00PM.

My holiday in the Green and Pleasant Land was lovely, immensely enjoyable, about which more later, after my vent about flying.

On the day of my return home, I woke up at 5:30AM. Nothing went really wrong on the flights home, except me. I was patted down and watched the agents paw through my undies when I left England, all the while chuckling to myself as the workers spoke in soothing tones, because they didn't want the old lady to freak out. There were no long flight delays, but when I reached the airport in Newark, the lines at Passport Control were long, very long. After waiting my turn, not so patiently, I got through. Then, I picked up my checked suitcase and went through Customs, then passed through the security check once again, shoes off, jacket off, all the crap associated with keeping us safe in the skies. Next I took a train to another terminal to catch the plane to Houston for the next leg of the journey.

By the time I reached the huge Bush airport in Houston, I was ready to drop. My one small carry-on felt as though it weighed a ton, and the walk to my gate in another terminal seemed miles away. I tried to commandeer a cart, but the driver could not take me, however she was kind enough to call on another driver who agreed to deliver me to my gate. TBTG! One more plane to New Orleans, the 45 minute ride to Thibodaux, and I reached home just after midnight. After adding 6 hours to account for the time change, from 5:30AM in England to after 12:00AM in Louisiana makes for a long travel day. I won't do it again.

Forgive me for this indulgence in whining, but I had to vent, and I want to have a record of the journey so I won't ever think of doing it again. It's like having a baby. You forget the pain, and go on to have more babies. I realize that I suffered no permanent damage, but while I was in the middle of it, I was miserable. I'm too old for this sort of thing, even if the rewards in the middle of the two periods of misery were great. I love England. I've loved England since I was a teenager, and I traveled there more times than I can count, but I've made my farewell tour of the lovely country. Good-bye, my English sweets; I'll see you online, or you visit me here in the US.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Everyone should see this chart. To those who shout, 'Class warfare!' I say 'Yes!!!'

Thanks to greywolfe359 at Daily Kos via Mark Harris at Preludium.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Today I lost a dear friend. Would you be kind enough to add the late Frank Bailey and his surviving wife Patricia to your blog prayer list? - Arkansas Hillbilly

May Frank rest in peace and rise in glory. May God give comfort, consolation and the peace that passes understanding to Patricia and to all those who love Walter.


Laura at Lay Anglicana writes:
Dear Mimi

I have moved my blog onto the main Lay Anglicana website:
It is now at and the RSS Feed is at

It would be really kind if you would continue to list it – thanks to you, I get lots of visitors who would not otherwise have found it, so it is a real help to me.

Laura, I'm pleased to list the new internet address for your blog.

Thanks again for the enjoyable lunch at The New Inn in Salisbury. It was such a pleasure to meet you and your delightful and gentlemanly husband, Robert, along with our own susan s. from the US. Imagine going all the way to England to meet a fellow citizen!


When I left for England, I fervently hoped that the matter of possible default by the US federal government would be settled by the time I returned home. While I was away, I didn't follow the news closely, but - Alas! - nothing is settled, but the US House of Representatives did pass the awful Boehner bill for cutting the deficit, which I trust (but you never know!) will go no further.

Please read IT's post titled 'Destroying America' at The Friends of Jake in which she links to Paul Krugman's column on the subject of 'balance' in the news in the New York Times. What have we come to in this country?

In the midst of my day with lots of other matters demanding my attention, I took the time to write to John Boehner, who is, after all, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of all the people in the US, not just of Republicans.
Dear Rep. Boehner,

Come on, now, we all need to share the pain of getting our fiscal house in order. The rich benefit most for the privilege of living in our country, so they should be willing to pay their fair share. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates agree. 72% of the people in the country want to see shared sacrifice, and they do not wish to see the deficit reduced only on the backs of the fast-disappearing middle class and the poor. Do your job as speaker of the House, Rep. Boehner, and represent the majority in this country.

Thanks for your attention.
I could have said much more, but when writing to politicians, I believe brief is better.


Hi everybody. I'm back home safe, but I won't say sound, as I am totally exhausted today and much the worse for wear. Plus, I have a million things to do and to catch up with.

I had a grand time in England, as I saw more of the beautiful country and touched base with old friends and met online friends for the first time face to face. I covered a great deal of territory in England, saving several times the purchase price of my senior rail ticket.

The trip over and the trip home were grueling beyond what I'd imagined, and I'm very glad to be home. I'll give more details later, but a great part of the difficulty is that I grow old, and everything is more stressful. Flying is (Excuse the expression!) shit, and I don't imagine getting on a plane any time soon.

Today, I'll be quite busy in my present state of exhaustion, so I'll have little time for the blog. I've opened the comments, and you know I like to respond, but forgive me if I offer few responses in the comments today .