Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Henry to MadPriest:

I'll meet you round the bend, my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend...

MadPriest lost his best friend, Henry, the Cat. I'm proud to have met Henry, who was a good cat. The small black spot on Henry's chin gave him the sweetest expression.
O Lord our God, we come before You this day in sadness. Henry, who brought MadPriest and his family so much joy in life, has now died. His happy times in their family's embrace have come to an end. They miss Henry already.

Help them, O God, to remember the good times with Henry.

Remind them to rejoice in the happy times he brought to their home.

Let us be thankful for the good life they were blessed to give to him.

We are grateful to You, God, for creating Henry, for entrusting him to their care, and for sustaining him in their love for a measure of time.

We understand that all that lives must die. They knew that this day would come. And yet, O God, they would have wanted one more day of play, one more evening of love with Henry.

O God, as they have taken care of Henry in life, we ask that You watch over him in death.

You entrusted Henry to their care; now, they give him back to You. May Henry find a happy new home in Your loving embrace.

As we remember Henry, may we love each other more dearly.

May we care for all Your creatures, for every living thing, as they protected the blessed life of Henry.

May Henry's memory bless their lives with love and caring forever.

The words quoted above are from Riverbend, the Baghdad Blogger.

The prayer is by Rabbi Barry Block.


  1. Always hard to lose a friend.

  2. May his memories of Henry always be a blessing.

  3. This is so beautiful, Mimi. It brings tears to my eyes as I approach the 8th anniversary of my Whitey's passing.

    Thank you for this sensitive and lovely prayer.

  4. whiteycat, I hope you substituted Whitey's name and found comfort in the prayer. Thanks to Rabbi Block. I've used his prayer several times on my blog, and I'm so grateful for it.

  5. Aw, Henry. Enjoy your Golden Tail.

  6. So sorry to hear such awful news. It's so painful losing a beloved animal.


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