Sunday, January 1, 2012


I borrowed the image from my friend Dan at Facebook, and I promise to return it at the end of 2012.

And the Peanuts gang from Doug and me.

If you think I'm watching football today, think again. I will have a bowl of Grandpère's delicious vegetable soup, with cheese and crackers and a glass of wine, and then I will chill.

Last night we attended a very nice, low-key party, with good food and good company, and almost, but not quite, made it to the turn of the New Year, as we made our departure at around 11:25 PM in 2011.

UPDATE: I found an old piece of paper with this quote from the New York Review of Books copied in May of 1998 in my KJV, which I used for the Bible readings today.
A poem of Goethe's describes a quiet scholar returning from a party. "How was it?" he was asked.

"If the people there were books, I would not read them."
Not my party!


  1. Happy 2012, Mimi. I hope it is a wonderful and blessed year for you and your family. Sending human and cat prayers for all.

  2. whiteycat, I'm hoping and praying for a great year of blessings and peace for you and your cats.

  3. You and Grandpere have a wonderfully blessed New Year. Izzie sends a woof.

  4. Happy New Year Mimi. Thanks for a great year on your blog. I am looking forward to 2012. Thanks for the prayers last year this time.

  5. Thank you, my friends. I wish for 2012 to be a good year for you all.


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