Saturday, March 10, 2012


From Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island Bishop Search:
The Search and Nomination Committee has selected five priests to stand for election as the 13th Bishop of Rhode Island. This preliminary slate consists of:

• the Rev. Kurt Dunkle, 50, rector, Grace Episcopal Church, Orange Park, Florida (Diocese of Florida);
• the Rev. Cathy George, 55, currently on a writing sabbatical; former priest-in-charge, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Dorchester, Massachusetts (Diocese of Massachusetts);
• the Very Rev. Nicholas Knisely, 51, dean, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Phoenix, Arizona (Diocese of Arizona);
• the Rev. Ledlie Laughlin, 52, rector, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Diocese of Pennsylvania);
• the Rev. Jennifer Pedrick, 45, rector, Church of the Epiphany, Rumford, Rhode Island (Diocese of Rhode Island).
Links to the Nominee Profiles, photos, autobiographies, and answers to the four essay questions posed by the Search and Nomination Committee may be found at the diocesan website.

H/T to Nicholas Knisely Ann Fontaine at The Lead.

Nicholas Knisely is one of the candidates. Go Nicholas!
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for the Diocese of Rhode Island that they may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip them for their ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Book of Common Prayer)


  1. chere Mimi
    thank you for sharing this.
    having just read through the candidates' profiles i'm impressed
    impressed but saddened- yes there are two wonderful women candidates, but not one person of colour, not one gay or lesbian.not one (shaking my head)
    that said, the diocese and the candidates will have my prayers- i find their choices exciting

  2. David, perhaps we should trust that the nominating committee prayerfully chose the candidates they thought most suited to serve as their bishop.

  3. I pray for all the candidates, and that the diocese may indeed have discernment through the Holy Spirit.

  4. Thanks for posting this list. I had no idea that Rev. Kurt Dunkle was on it! I don't know him that well, but I know he is generally well-thought of in the diocese of Florida. His ministry is in a part of our state that is...well... very conservative. Very interesting. Prayers for all the candidates and the diocese of Rhode Island. May they be lead by the Holy Spirit and allow the Spirit to guide them as they discern who should be called.

  5. Great list, tho' it's a little scary as I know one of them when he was in his teens!

  6. Kurt Dunkle was one of the final five in the Diocese of Louisiana, and, of course, I "know" Nicholas Knisely from the Episcopal Café.

    He buys my book every month.
    And that is more than enough to earn my undying loyalty even if he's the next Attila the Hun and Jack the Ripper rolled into one (which I'm sure he isn't but you get my drift).

  8. He buys my book every month.

    MadPriest, I hope that doesn't count against Nicholas too very much. ;-)

  9. As I say elsewhere - you've already scuppered his chances with your "Go, Nick!" comment. Any association with a bolshie pinko internationalist like yourself is not going to help him one bit.

  10. Being a Rhode Islander living out of state at present, I wonder where the present and next bishop is going to "sit". I read last night that the Cathedral in RI is being closed as the endowment is running out. The Diocese has been in trouble for a long time.......

  11. That would be, "Go, Nicholas!" MadPriest.

    Nij, I was sad to read about the closing of the cathedral. I can only imagine what the folks in Rhode Island feel.

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  13. Don't you just love people have the courage of their convictions (not).

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