Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Cloud-streaked moon in full
Werewolf howling noisily
Beneath glowing orb
Sorry. My picture does not show the clouds.


  1. Oh and it's beautiful and full here as well... but I haven't seen any werewolves --- yet. I'll keep looking

  2. Marez, I heard the werewolf, but he didn't come near me. Thanks goodness! The cloud-streaked moon looked like every moon I've ever seen in a werewolf movie, but I didn't have a camera with me, and anyway my camera does not take good pictures at night.

  3. The planet Mars was near the almost full moon last night -- the moon shown golden through clouds but Mars was obscured. Tonight the planets Venus and Jupiter will be very near each other in the West:

    They were brilliant last night over NYC.

  4. One night, as the moon neared full phase, we had the golden moon through the clouds. It was lovely. Mars is spectacular on clear nights.

  5. The moon is very full and beautiful here in the UK too.

  6. As I step out the door, before I begin my walk, I look up to see the moon and what few stars I can see if the night is clear.

  7. Let us go then, you and I,
    When the evening is spread out against the sky

  8. :) That moon is not like a patient etherized upon a table tho, happily. It's too full of moonly life for that.


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