Thursday, March 22, 2012


From the Quad-City Times:
By all accounts it was an honest mistake, political party convention attendees said.
Republican congressional candidate Dan Dolan of Muscatine arrived early at the Monroe County Courthouse for the Republican convention being held Saturday in Albia, Iowa.

Unfortunately, the county Democrats were holding their convention in the same building, and Dolan spoke to the wrong group of people.

“Nobody asked enough questions before he started speaking,” Monroe County Supervisor Denny Ryan said. “It finally got to the point in the speech where one of the people said, ‘Are you sure you’re at the right convention?’”

Dolan laughed Monday when he described the encounter.

“It was a crazy day,” Dolan said. “We had scheduled 10 speaking engagements through the district.”
Well, Dolan gave his Republican speech to a group of Democrats, and the story has a happy ending in that the parties involved in the situation remained civil with each other.  Campaign politics in the US have strayed so far into the Bizarro World that the incident didn't surprise me at all, but it did give me a laugh.  Cynic that I am, I think both political parties are bought, and it's not ordinary folks that paid for them.  For me, it comes down to which party will screw the powerless the least, and I believe you know my answer.

Thanks to Paul (A.) for the laugh and the link.


  1. Nobody´s buying our overseas votes around here...the Democrats Abroad (there don´t seem to be any Republicans except one or two) will be having another event soon...little by little funds are raised to keep promoting the passion to reelect our great President Barack Latin America he is THE most popular leader of any country, followed closely by Brazil.

  2. Len, I'm not talking about buying votes from the voters. I'm saying the politicians are bought.

  3. Choice! Humor IS the leavening of the life for this cynic.

    "...which party will screw the powerless the least...." "Whether it is nobler in the mind...." ????

    Paul(A.) I also add my thanks for all of your humor and good will and wit.

  4. Bonnie, you're balm to me in joining with me in cynicism to have a laugh.

  5. THAT is a joy to my heart. Thank you so very much. Did you also have those days when we could disagree with others in the space of civility and grace that they too extended to us? When friends were still friends, even though they might disagree with vehement passion?

    I still have at least one friend in this category. We laugh and can still say "sister!" at the end of the day. And I just love her all the more.

  6. Bonnie, I had those days, and I still have one friend with whom I can speak and disagree, and we still love each other. I lost a friend over our differences on the Iraq War and my mocking of George Bush for his stunt flight and how ridiculous he looked in his flight suit. We still speak, but we rarely see each other. Before that, we had our differences and yet remained friends.

  7. Yes. One of those pictures where only humor can quell my urge to gag. Didn't mean to take this OT on the humor of this man's situation and the gracious response that was extended to him.

  8. No problem, Bonnie. Off topic is OK.

  9. This sent to me today by a very right-brained friend. Possibly to be applied to Mr. Dolan?

    "A New Word Has Entered The English Language


    Could not find it in my old Webster's. Googled it and discovered it is a recently "coined" new word found on a T shirt on eBay. Getting really close to the bone! Read this one over slowly and absorb the facts that totally are within this sentence!

    I love this word and believe that it will become a recognized English word. Finally, a word to describe our current political situation.

    Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers."


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