Wednesday, March 28, 2012


After my laptop and I were comfortably settled in a chair at my son's house, their Russian blue cat, Stormy, decided to join me. At first he tried to settle on my laptop, but I wasn't having that, so he moved over to my side to share the chair with me. I made space for Stormy, but he's a large, fat cat, and we had to squeeze in.   He did not seem to mind, though I did a little, but I let him stay.

My granddaughter took a picture of a front view of Stormy just ready to fall asleep.

There we stayed for quite a while until the the battery power on my laptop ran low, and I had to get up to plug it in.  Stormy jumped down and decided to nap elsewhere.


  1. Very nice. Do you think he is hoping for his own byline or just assisting?

  2. Lovely cat! And you do know that it is probably his chair most of the time, right?

  3. This is my dad's cat. He weighs 20 pounds. Plus he can fetch!


  4. The entire house belongs to Stormy and Wendy. The humans are there under sufferance.

  5. Aren't Russian Blues just the bestest? My BFF has *6* cats, but my fave is a big Russian Blue named {wait for it} "Blue". I love him to bits; he's such a sweet, lovable clown. Super friendly [BFF calls him "a dog in cat drag"]

    ...and of course, my dear sweet (still missing 6 months later) Schmutzy was a long-haired Russian Blue. I SO hope you're warm & dry & safe & fed & loved, wherever you are, Schmutzy. :-(

  6. Stormy is not a pure-bred. His mother, Badut, is a very small tuxedo cat, who lives mostly outside, because she resists taming. She came to my son still almost a kitten, and they adopted her and found she was pregnant. She gave birth to 5 kittens, two tuxedos, Stormy, and two orange tabby cats. I believe Badut was impregnated by more than one male cat. Stormy is huge, and it's hard to believe that the tiny cat gave birth to him. He still seems to know his mother because he pesters her and appears to want to nurse from her, but she bats him away.

    Their other cat, Wendy, was nanny to the kittens, doing everything for them but nursing them. Badut seemed pleased to share the responsibility, because, although she fed the litter faithfully, she paid no attention to grooming them and keeping them clean. Nanny Wendy took over those chores.

  7. Stormy is beautiful! Then again, aren't all cats? Having a cat snuggle up to you is just the best!

  8. All cats are beautiful, whiteycat, but Stormy is an especially handsome cat. His coat has more of a bluish tint to it than the pictures show.

  9. Frankly, I never even think of cats being "pure-bred" (except for, say, hairless varieties). Just about every cat I've ever known has been a rescue in some form or other: known parents were never in the picture [Though one of BFF's cats was the kitten of a previous cat they had. In their case, too, the mother was semi-feral, and the kitten tame.]

  10. JCF, I don't much think of cats as pure-bred either, but there are the pedigree organizations for cats, too. Whenever Diana goes to heaven, I want a Siamese.


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