Monday, June 4, 2012


As I was reading Evening Prayer at The Daily Office, I scrolled down and saw the picture below, which brought a broad smile to my face.

What a lovely man.  I knew very little about John XXIII when he was elected pope, except that he was old and was widely expected to be a place-holder until the next pope, a younger man, would be elected. 
On 25 December 1958, he became the first pope since 1870 to make pastoral visits in his Diocese of Rome, when he visited children infected with polio at the Bambino Gesù Hospital and then visited Santo Spirito Hospital. The following day he visited Rome's Regina Coeli prison, where he told the inmates: "You could not come to me, so I came to you." These acts created a sensation, and he wrote in his diary:
...great astonishment in the Roman, Italian and international press. I was hemmed in on all sides: authorities, photographers, prisoners, wardens...
His frequent habit of sneaking out of the Vatican late at night to walk the streets of the city of Rome earned him the nickname "Johnny Walker", a pun on the whisky brand name.
What hope and excitement in the church about our new pope who wanted to "throw open the windows" after the long reign of the austere Pius XII, who was the only pope that many of us had known.  Good Pope John electrified the Roman Catholic Church and the world when he called for Vatican Council II. 
Collect of the Day: John XXIII, Bishop of Rome, 1963

Lord of all truth and peace, you raised up your bishop John to be servant of the servants of God and gave him wisdom to call for the work of renewing your Church: Grant that, following his example, we may reach out to other Christians to clasp them with the love of your Son, and labor throughout the nations of the world to kindle a desire for justice and peace; through Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
The canonization of John XXIII is pending in the Roman Catholic Church.


  1. If it could please God to raise up John XXIV to build on the good works that were begun by this good man. The church and the world are long overdue for this event.
    Ro Ford

  2. Amen, Ro, amen. That is my wish for the church.

  3. Gee, Mimi, I guess Louisiana is quite the Conservative bastion. This kind of stuff published and I just read of the new vouchers for private schools! And as I understand it, testing not mandatory. Your gov, Bobby, say parents are better qualified to decide on the best education for their kids. I have never quite understood how that works - how does the average parent know more about education than trained educators? We seem to be spinning backwards at frightening rate..

  4. Gee, Mimi, I guess Louisiana is quite the Conservative bastion. This kind of stuff published and I just read of the new vouchers for private schools! And as I understand it, testing not mandatory. Your gov, Bobby, say parents are better qualified to decide on the best education for their kids. I have never quite understood how that works - how does the average parent know more about education than trained educators? We seem to be spinning backwards at frightening rate..

  5. Nij, I trust you meant to post this comment with the shameful newspaper ad. Louisiana as a bastion of conservatism is an understatement. Bobby Jindal and the compliant legislators are dragging us down the sewer. Madness is afoot in the state. There are only a few places available in the private schools around here where parents can use the vouchers, so if there is great demand, I suppose we'll see schools spring up to take advantage of the funds.

  6. "The canonization of John XXIII is pending in the Roman Catholic Church."

    John Paul II "The Great" (so-called) will be both canonized AND made a "Doctor of the Church" first: you heard it from me.

  7. JCF, Pope John is in the canon of saints in the Episcopal Church. He's seen as somewhat dodgy by the Vatican right now, but sainthood will come one day, perhaps along with with the title of "Doctor".


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