Saturday, July 14, 2012


My pet lizard, Izzy by name, (Original, yes?) lives behind the shutter on the window I face when I'm at my desktop. Izzy visits every day, but not inside. We see each other through the window and screen. I've wanted a picture of Izzy for some time now, but each time he'd get away from me before I had my camera ready. Today, I was lucky and caught a few snaps.

I'm not sure Izzy is a male, but I think of him so, and why not?  In the picture above, I tried and succeeded in getting a close-up, but Izzy eyed me warily.

Below is lagniappe with my pet post - photos from the flower beds in front of our house that Grandpère suggested I add.


More Vincas

And more Vincas
UPDATE: Izzy's name is updated to Eddy Izzard Lizard, thanks to a creative-thinking Facebook friend.


  1. Beautiful flowers and you are so fortunate to live where you can have a pet lizard. I can rember seeing them at Oak Alley when we visited there.

  2. Thanks, Jay. I read that the green lizard of Louisiana is in a Darwinian battle with the brown lizard, an import from the Caribbean, which has begun reproducing in great numbers.

  3. We had them all over the place when we lived in Mandeville. They were quite good at the art of escaping our cats. They are not so plentiful this far north. Love your pictures of them and your garden is beautiful.
    Ro Ford
    (Boo Cat)

  4. Ro, did you say, "Lizard, lizard, show me your moneybag"?

  5. Heh, I've also named wild animals in my neighborhood, too: there was "Linda Paloma" (and occasionally, Larry Paloma her baby-daddy), the nesting dove on the house next door.

    And Humbert (oom-Bear'), the hummingbird!

    [I saw them both in the first half of the year; the dove babies all left, and mama moved on, too. Neither have I seen Humbert in a while]

    Lagniappe: I've learned a new word! ["Gift with purchase": uber-capitalist Anya explained this on Buffy The Vampire Slayer ;-)]

  6. Male green anole lizards have that red throat flap while they are doing push-ups. We have lots of those guys here in Houston as well. Haven't seen any of the brown ones yet.

    1. Heidi G., my lizard may be a female, because I have never seen the red flap or what we call the moneybag.


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