Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Due to the actions of General Convention, the South Carolina Deputation has concluded that we cannot continue with business as usual. We all agree that we cannot and will not remain on the floor of the House and act as if all is normal. John Burwell and Lonnie Hamilton have agreed to remain at Convention to monitor further developments and by their presence demonstrate that our action is not to be construed as a departure from the Episcopal Church. Please pray for those of us who will be traveling early and for those who remain.
Thanks to Susan on Facebook.


  1. It's the Old (!) Tired (!!) "We didn't leave THEM, they left US" CANARD.

    South Carolina, couldja just leave the keys to all the red doors (starting w/ those of your cathedral) on the way OUT?

  2. JCF, I do hope they leave the keys if (when?) they decide to leave the church.

  3. Does one even want to ask why they "cannot continue with business as usual"? Just wondering what sent them over the edge...the Covenant vote or adoption of liturgy for SSB's? I personally do not rejoice to see anyone provoked enough to take their ball and go home but in this case (sigh) it was probably inevitable.

    1. NP, my first guess would be SSB. After all, we did not say no to the Covenant. Then again, the members of the diocese are determined to be a part of the Anglican Communion, so perhaps that there was no resounding yes to the Covenant was enough to set them off. We all want to be a part of the Communion, Covenant or not.

  4. What's interesting is how many anti-TECtypes are trolling in the twitter feed. HEre's an example of the conversation,where one nice tweep gently scolds SC....

    Tiffany ‏@tiff55
    Hey SC- I thought we were finally past all of this, "we can't even come to the table with you since we disagree with you" stuff. ‪#gc77‬

    MattKennedy (@lambeth98)
    @tiff55 Common table? "what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons. I don't want you to be participants with demons." 1 Cor 10:20-21 ‪#gc77‬

    Tiffany ‏@tiff55
    @lambeth98 Also, progressive Episcopalians (including faithful deps of ‪#GC77‬) are not demons, and I don't appreciate that implication.

    Matt Kennedy ‏@lambeth98
    @tiff55 Might want to re-read 1 Cor 10:20-21. I was not suggesting delegates are demons. You are not demons. You are pagans. ‪#gc77‬

    Well, I'm glad he made THAT clear.

    1. I very much afraid that Matt's as mad as any hatter,
      He simply won't shut up but his opinion doesn't matter.

  5. IT, how could the likes of Matt and Mark Lawrence possibly share a common table with pagans sacrificing to demons? Sheesh.

  6. What does this have the feel of a pre-meditated move agreed upon long before GC arrived? And i don't think their strategizing is over yet, by a long shot. Perhaps it comes from observing all this from a foreign distance, but I've been expecting something like this ever since the consecration of their newest bishop.
    Makes me sadder than sad, but my sense is they have their game plan and i don't sense they're about to be dissuaded.

    1. David, in the past when I've read +Mark Lawrence's long-suffering moans in speeches and letter, I'm tempted to say, "Go already!" even though I don't really want anyone to go. But, if he thinks the church has gone so badly wrong, how can he bear to stay?

  7. I had the misfortune once to live in South Carolina for a few months, and it was a very educational experience. There's a reason that state was the "hotbed of secession" in 1860, and as you see from today's pigheaded, self-righteous defiance - it still is. South Carolinians, a great many of them - far too many - have learned nothing and forgotten everything, be it in politics or religion.

    What they keep fogetting, quite wilfully, are the words of the final question of the Baptismal Covenant, which I am sure they all piously and dutifully repeat every time it is pronounced in church, not comprehending the coals they are raking upon themselves: "Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?"

    1. Tom and I married in Charleston, South Carolina, because we were basically homeless, and my sister and her husband lived there. I'd just finished graduate school, and Tom was getting out of the Army in Columbia, SC, so we decided to have our very small wedding there. We went on to our new jobs in Mobile, Alabama, by way of St Augustine, where we had a one night and two days honeymoon. Since we had no money, we couldn't enjoy any but the free entertainment in the fair city of Charleston.

    2. That's a very sweet story, I'm glad you have nice memories of the place.

  8. Will Lawrence be getting some return for the $500,000 spent on lawyers since his consecration. 1/10th of annual diocesan budget.

    And they have the nerve to call TEC litigious.

    (Not sure where a Texan gets off throwing stones at South Carolinians)

    1. Lapin! Tom has such fond memories of Fort Jackson.

      Lawrence had the lawyers busy doing transfers of deeds of parish property to the parishes, transactions which I don't believe will hold up if challenged.

  9. Lapin, my regular blog readers know that I have heaved many a stone and not a few boulders upon pigheaded Texans too. But of course, the entire South, my beautiful, tragic homeland, is steeped in Pharisaism from end to end.

    BTW, in case there's a doubt in anyone's mind, it is indeed the fault of the nasty, wicked gayz:

    Of course. Isn't it always? They just ruin everything. Like the Jews. And the nigras. And the hippies and the libruls and the Mexicans. And OMG, the women! Of course.

    1. Um, Russ, would that include the Diocese of Georgia? All Southerners? How 'bout me, Russ?

      Don't alienate your allies.

    2. I never knew you were even in the world till just this moment, Mark, but nice to meet you.

      Don't overreact to a generalization. Of course there are exceptions to every rule. Here in Texas, for example, in 2005 the population voted 3 to 1 to outlaw not only gay marriage but *any* kind of partnership between same-sex couples. Yet just a couple of years later, Houston elected and then re-elected an openly lesbian mayor.

      But when I say that the South in general is full of Pharisees, I know what I'm talking about. I have suffered at their hands and have the scars to prove it.

    3. Since Russ says the South is his "homeland", Mark, he's not an ally.

      He's a native. Family.

      JCF: some of my peeps be from the South---Old Virginny, self-same SC---but I'm a Californian (for better or worse!).

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. To tell someone that they are overreacting to something that has visibly hurt and demoralized friends is demeaning and patronizing. I don't play the "everyone-claiming-the-South-is-kin" game. We're not. I'm not a brother to Newt Gingrich or Saxby Chambliss. I despise Rick Perry and Mark Lawrence, and they are no blood of mine. I have no problem with sharp, even vicious, criticism of individuals who need it and about whom you believe it - as my reference to Matt Kennedy's obvious evil shows - but generalizations are far more damaging. Is a bomb less damaging than a bullet? It's what the people we are trying to overcome do. You can't claim that the way to overcome prejudice is by getting to know individuals and then try to argue that generalizations are not damaging.

  10. The South takes a beating and, all too often, deservedly so, but then there are the good people like us that are lumped in with the rest.

    When New Orleans was drowning after Katrina and the FEDERAL FLOOD, there were people in the country who didn't give a damn and thought the folks in NO were getting only what they had coming to them. I don't forget.

  11. Christ has saved even pagans and demons.

  12. Well, the little PR stunt by the South Carolina delegation just goes to prove that you don't have to be gay to be a drama queen!

    1. David and John, I almost used the term myself. Or, as a friend said, they are divas.

    2. "....may not be", David & John?

  13. What I don't get is - why were they there voting in the first place since the DSC Convention voted do away with the Canons of TEC..... I will bet that with a little investigating that their stunt was planned all along! Those hypocritical homophobes give Episcopalians who live in the great state of South Carolina a bad name!


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