Sunday, August 12, 2012


Gov. Bobby Jindal praised Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s running mate choice Saturday and dismissed speculation that he is angling for a cabinet post.

Jindal frequently joined Romney on the campaign trail and had emerged as a possible vice presidential candidate. The governor made appearances for Romney in Louisiana, Ohio, Utah, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Iowa and Colorado.

“Don’t mistake my motives here. I have been traveling all over the country and been campaigning for and with Gov. Romney because it is crucial that he wins, and that we make Barack Obama a one-term president. As for me — why would a guy with the best job in the world be looking for another one?” he said.
Why, indeed, Governor?  I have a question for you.  Why, if you have the best job in the world, do you spend so little time, you know, actually doing it?  Why are you absent from the state so often?  The governor's advisor, Timmy Teepell, says Jindal will be campaigning for Romney next week, because he believes Romney's election is vital to the interests of Louisiana.
“He loves being governor. He’s going to be governor until the very last day of his second term. None of that’s changed,” Teepell said.
Hmm.  What about the days in between?  Do they protest too much?

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