Thursday, September 6, 2012


Grnadpère and I both have hearing loss, so the caption misunderstandings resonate.  We amuse, annoy, and frustrate each other another .  Observers of our exchanges either laugh or shake their heads.

Thanks to Doug.


  1. I have to say, I had to switch seats in church last Sunday.

    Right behind me, the "man of a certain age's" hearing aid was squealing (feedback), and I just couldn't take it! }-X

  2. JCF, when my hearing aid squeaks, I hear it, and I make it stop. Poor man...I suppose he can't hear the squeak.

  3. Grandmere, this reminded me of a joke you may appreciate;

    An elderly gent goes to see his doctor.
    "Doctor" he says "I have a little wind problem, without warning I keep breaking wind. They're not smelly, although I'm concerned that one day they might which is why I'm here. Luckily they're always silent, so nobody notices when I'm passing wind. In fact, I've actually broken wind several times since coming into your office. What do you recommend"?
    And the doctor replies, "Well, first of all we'd better test your hearing".


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