Friday, November 23, 2012


Presiding Bishop Katharine
carries her mitre
Sometimes those outside see inside more clearly than the insiders.   From Christchurch, NZ, Bosco Peters' writes an excellent post on the defeat of the motion to allow women bishops in the Church of England. 
Obviously my bishop, being a woman, cannot function as a bishop in England. Since this week’s vote in the Church of England’s General Synod, one can no longer make polite English excuses about this being an accident of history. It is now an intentional decision.

I have a … (how can I say this on a family-friendly site?)… ummm…I have a Y chromosome and I was ordained by someone with a Y chromosome, etc. all the way back to the earliest church. I can function as a priest in all of the Church of England. Some, however, who were ordained by someone who has no Y chromosome, even though they themselves have a Y chromosome, will find some places in the CofE where they cannot so function. We are a commnon.
No, the last word in the paragraph is not a misspelling, although Firefox or some other power in charge of internet spelling says otherwise.  Bosco has coined a new word for us which is not yet accepted in the lexicon of the intertubes.  Click one of the links to read how Bosco 'splains it all.

I joke around some here (you laugh, or you cry) , but Bosco shares seriously good thoughts about what is and what is not communion and various other matters. 


  1. As I said to Bosco, I call it D.I.S.G.R.A.C.E. Grace has been dis-missed. Bosco said what needed to be said and said it well.

    1. Elizabeth, good thought. My heart goes out to everyone in the Church of England who is D.I.S.G.R.A.C.E.D. by the vote. I shall never forget the pettiness of the order that Katharine not wear her mitre. There are many things I won't forget...barring Gene from Lambeth...I could go on. I forgive, but I don't forget. I can't help but wonder if the result was not inevitable. Appeasement does not work. The appeased always want more. They are never satisfied. You simply can't have 3/4 of a bishop or even 7/8 of of a bishop. A bishop is a bishop...or not.

  2. Grandmère Mimi, I blush. May we use "commnon" more commonly, to highlight that for so many, u and i are missing.



    1. Yes, it's way past time for more honesty and less I'm more for calling a spade a spade. Advantage - Bosco, who has balls. I suppose my blog is not so family-friendly as yours. And's not your fault. You were born that way. :-)

  3. I thought at first that a commnon was a communion that had lost its User Interface. But that's us computer guys and IT guys (Information Technology), sometimes we're too wrapped up in UI problems to think "I and Thou".

    Porlock Junior

    1. Bosco often makes a lot of sense to me, as you do, Porlock, even with your Y chromosome challenge. ;-)


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