Monday, November 12, 2012



Rmj at Adventus had to post the picture above, so I had to steal it.  What else could I do?


  1. ", I had to steal it. What else could I do?"

    Awesome! I had to steal it. Please forgive me. It is just to wonderful not to pass on.

  2. I think this (classic) one's been around since 2009 now, but I'm glad you just found it, Mimi! ;-)

    1. It's a first for me, JCF. I learn something new every day. :-)

  3. The problem is that the people who think that Obama is a FBBSAWSWGAFH tend to think of Jesus as not being any of those things, especially the brown-skinned, anti-war parts. (and he wasn't foreign born because there was no US back then. At least that's how their logic would go.)

    Going to synagogue so regularly now, and reading through the Torah on a regular schedule now, it's been hitting me how much God orders the Jews to have a system of taxation, forcible charity, and all the other things the Republicans seem to hate--and how little God mentions private property. Reading the Bible, you get this strange idea that God is not interested in our rights to property, but what we do with what we have. And when the Rabbis in their commentaries describe the people of Sodom--well, you'd think they were describing the Republicans. Hatred of the poor and the stranger ranked far ahead of sexual morality in the sins of Sodom, at least according to the Rabbis.

    1. Yes, the Christian fundamentalists tend to think of Jesus as Anglo-Saxon, blue-eyes, light brown hair, a real Amurican. As in sooo many other areas, they need a reality check about who Jesus was.

      Condemnation of usury, the year of Jubilee with forgiveness of debt, care for widows and orphans, welcome to strangers and aliens, all of that ignored. Plus, many of us forget that Jesus was not only born a Jew, but he died a Jew.

  4. Replies
    1. What James said!

      I also like what kishnevi says about who the real Sodomites are today . . . .

    2. Plus, in the Hebrew Testament, fornication quite often refers to idolatry, rather than sex.

  5. I'm a late comer to this post, but I too am stealing from you. It's just to good not to pass along. Thanks Grandmere Mimi!


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