Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Senator Huckleberry - er - Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to President Obama:
“You just got reelected. How about doing something big that is not liberal?” Graham said in an interview with Fox News. “How about doing something big that really is bipartisan? Every big idea he has is a liberal idea that drowns us in debt. How about manning up here, Mr. President, and use your mandate to bring this country together to stop us from becoming Greece?”

From The Hill.  Watch the video at the link.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The powers in the EU demand austerity of Greece, which does not work to get the economy going, so the powers demand more austerity, which will cause the economy to spiral down further. The remedy will be more austerity measures. When will they learn?

      As you may already know, Sen Huckelberry is widely rumored to be a closet case, thus the attention to his "manning up" suggestion.

  2. What a blowhard! The President does indeed need to "man up" (ugh!) and stop trying to satisfy these whiny Republican fat cats.

  3. Republican definition of bipartisan: Getting everything they want.

    1. Right, but they won't this time. Still, I hear raising the age for eligibility for Medicare is on the table, and I don't like that idea at all. I've written to my legislators and signed petitions pleading with the president and Democrats not to cave on this issue.

  4. After all these years, it's a shame to behold what the party of Lincoln has devolved to. They want out of the Union, take their marching orders from the Pope. They're now the party of "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion".


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