Saturday, May 12, 2012


George Carlin would be 75 today.  I'm sure he's smiling down on us from on high.  In fact, George may even be on a heavenly high celebrating the day.

Below is young George as Al Sleet, the Hippy Dippy Weatherman, on The Ed Sullivan Show.

Thanks to Daily Kos Cheers and Jeers for the reminder via Paul (A.).


The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse: You cannot post "Thou shalt not steal," "Thou shalt not commit adultery," and "Thou shalt not lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians.
It creates a hostile work environment.
(George Carlin)


Paul (A.)

Paul (A.) is one of 'em.  Just saying.  (Not one of the Ten Commandments - a lawyer!)


Rochester, Minnesota – A 17-year-old openly gay teen succumbed to overwhelming bullying, taking his own life this past Sunday. Jay’Cory Jones jumped to his death into traffic from a pedestrian bridge near Century High School, according to police reports. According to his father, Jones was beaten down by the incessant school bullying he endured for being open and vocal about his sexual orientation. His father, JayBocka Strader, told the  PostBulletin....
More from Leonardo at Eruptions at the Foot of the Volcano.

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Rest eternal grant to Jay'Cory, O Lord,
and let light perpetual shine upon him. Amen.

O Lord, give comfort, consolation, and the peace that passes understanding to all who love Jay'Cory.  Amen.

Friday, May 11, 2012


From Bryan Cones at US Catholic:
I suppose this whole thing would be a little comic--the USCCB investigating the Girl Scouts sounds more like an article in The Onion than one in the Associated Press--except for the fact that the Girl Scouts do such great work in helping girls defend themselves from a consumer culture that encourages them to think of themselves as sex objects with credit cards (as we explored in our May issue cover story). The bishops with this move also manage to irritate the last segment of the female population still available to offend: preadolescent girls and teens (having already tweaked both women of childbearing age on contraception, and religious women for whatever it is the sisters have been doing at their annual meetings).

Seriously, some honcho at the USCCB needs to put a stop to this. It looks a little, um, unhinged.
The overreach by the bishops for some sort of nebulous purity within the church begins to look like the spreading madness of an inquisition.  What an embarrassment to thinking Roman Catholics.  Who's next on the bishops' hit list?

Click on the cartoon for the larger view.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Nevermind the timing, the motivation, the political calculation, or whatever else may have affected his decision, President Obama did the right thing when he announced that he favors same-sex marriage.  Instead of carping, how about if we just take a victory lap?


Click on the 'toon for the larger view.

Oooh, I love this cartoon.  Alas, I couldn't play the trick on Grandpère, because we have different accounts and different passwords.  He remembers no birthdays nor anniversaries.  According to GP, that's a woman's job.

From Mad Dad to MadPriest.


Here I am banging on again about the pernicious Anglican Covenant. I'd heard murmurings, which are now more than murmurings, because the talk is now very public, of a move to introduce a resolution at General Convention to ignore the covenant.  Yes, indeed, it's true.  Lionel Diemel says:
One proposed strategy for General Convention is for the church only to affirm our commitment to the Anglican Communion, saying nothing at all about the Anglican Covenant.
Our courageous sisters and brothers in the Church of England, the 'mother' church, faced down the opposition of two archbishops, Rowan Williams and John Sentamu, and 79.79% of the bishops in the church to defeat the covenant in the Church of England.  And yet it is suggested that we in The Episcopal Church ignore the covenant.  I don't understand.

Not only do I see such a resolution as cowardly, but, seconding Lionel Diemel, as arrogant.  The Episcopal Church is often criticized for its individualism, for 'going its own way' without regard for other churches in the Anglican Communion, and such a resolution from GC would only reinforce the opinion that TEC is insufficiently community minded.  As I see it, to ignore the covenant, to pretend that it's not there, would be an insult to all the churches who have taken a stand, whether the vote was to adopt, accede to, subscribe to, give an 'amber light' to, or reject the covenant.  Further, to ignore the covenant would be an affront to all the churches which will declare a position on the covenant in the future.  The proponents of the covenant might very well view ignoring the covenant as worse than rejecting the covenant.

I've heard justifications for the stance of pretending the covenant is not there run the gamut from a desire to stay at the table to a fervent wish to continue in relationship with other churches in the communion.  I want those things, too, and I contend that the concerns are unjustified, especially now that the covenant has been rejected in the Church of England. Is the Church of England still at the table?  Will the Church of England continue in relationships with churches in the communion?  The vote by the English church to reject the covenant is a major game changer.  Shall we also pretend that the rejection didn't happen?

Read our English friend Lay Anglicana, and watch the video posted by Laura, who strove mightily to defeat the Anglican Covenant in England, and see if you still think ignoring the covenant is a viable option.  I could name many other English friends who worked tirelessly to bring down the same odious document that some in TEC will ask the convention to ignore.
From Lay Anglicana:
But word reaches me that these good manners may stand in the way of common sense at the TEC General Convention to be held from July 5-12 in Indianapolis: agreeing with me that the current ‘sorry state of things entire’ of the Anglican Covenant is such that it definitely counts as unpleasant, and being unwilling to intrude on private grief,  some say it might be best not to discuss it all, and simply sweep it under the carpet.

Siren voices! Please, fellow Anglicans, do not listen to them! We have managed in the Church of England, diocesan synod by painful diocesan synod, to reject it. But the Secretary-General of the Anglican Communion regards this as merely a little local difficulty. Is he burying his head in the sand like the man in the YouTube video which illustrates this post? That is a matter of opinion.
Hear, hear!


So beautiful, indeed.
I’m going to make a chicken gumbo
Toss some sausage in the pot
I’m going to flavor it with okra
Cayenne pepper to make it hot
You know life is what we make of it
So beautiful or so what


So beautiful
So beautiful
So what
Thanks to Ann V for sending the video with the message, 'Even Paul Simon was surprised when his latest album turned out to be kinda, sorta...well, Christian.'  'So Beautiful Or So What' is an all-around fine album.  A good many of the lyrics would stand alone as poetry.


In July, The Episcopal Church will come together at the triennial General Convention 2012, where the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops will gather to set the course of the church for the next three years, until they meet again. Restructuring of the church is on the agenda, and much that is excellent has been written by my fellow bloggers.  Amongst the most recent:

Mark Harris at Preludium - 'The Current State of Affairs....'

Elizabeth Kaeton, at Telling Secrets - 'The Kudzu of Mission Creep'

Tom Ferguson at Crusty Old Dean - 'Guns, Germs, and The Episcopal Church'

Margaret Watson at leave it lay where Jesus flang it 

Tobias Haller at In a Godward Direction

The subject has been well-covered by the bloggers listed above and others, thus I will only add that great change is on the way for the Episcopal Church and other mainline Christian churches in the US.  How will The Episcopal Church meet the changes that will surely come whether we are ready or not?  I am fairly pessimistic about the church as we know it in the short term, but I'm quite optimistic about Church (the Body of Christ) in the long term.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Once Joe Biden made his announcement, I did not think Barack Obama would be far behind.  I doubt that Obama will lose votes because of the announcement.  The great majority of the folks who will be upset, would not have voted for the president anyway.  
 “I have to tell you that over the course of several years as I have talked to friends and family and neighbors, when I think about members of my own staff who are in incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together; when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married,” Obama told Roberts in an interview to appear on ABC's "Good Morning America" Thursday.

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I'll let David@Montreal speak for me about the heartbreaking vote in North Carolina in favor of a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
beloved Giants
this morning I'd ask for something equivalent to a group hug for all the folks we know and love in North Carolina.
these folks have been heroic in their witness; and in many cases their stand for justice, sanity and full inclusion has cost them- personally.
tired and discouraged perhaps, I urge them to take the time they need for self-care
but to also remember whatever the figures, they are so much further along the arc of history this morning than they were a week ago.
hearts have been changed, voices have found themselves speaking out and some incredible and unexpected allies have come forward.
but these folks are also our siblings in the Body of Christ, so I'd urge you to carry them in your hearts in the coming days. North Carolina is not over!
love always-always Love

UPDATE: A statement from the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, the Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry, following the passage of a constitutional amendment, called Amendment One. Find a transcript of this statement, and other related resources, online at the diocesan website.

H/T to Torey Lightcap at The Lead.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Click on the cartoon for the larger view.

From ASBO Jesus.


Legendary British film director Sir Ridley Scott launched a global film making contest for aspiring directors. It's titled "Tell It Your Way". There were over 600 entries. The film could be no longer than three minutes, contain only 6 lines of narrative & be a compelling story. The winner was "Porcelain Unicorn" from American director Keegan Wilcox. It's a story of the lifetimes of two people who are totally opposite, yet, very much the same - all told in less than 3 minutes. I can see why it won - enjoy!
Beautiful work, indeed.  Congratulations to Keegan Wilcox

From Harold Davis at the Television and Motion Picture Network.

Thanks to Doug.


Your past, whatever it is, will provide the firm foundation for your life. Even if there’s rubble, the rubble will be reformed into an edifice far stronger and more beautiful than you could have ever imagined.

-Br. Curtis Almquist
Society of Saint John the Evangelist
Bro John Anthony posted in St. Cuthbert's Cottage

Monday, May 7, 2012


The man can dance; the man can sing.  What more do you want?


From Chris Hedges at OpEdNews:
Retired Episcopal Bishop George Packard was arrested in Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza in New York City on Tuesday night as he participated in the May 1 Occupy demonstrations. He and 15 other military veterans were taken into custody after they linked arms to hold the plaza against a police attempt to clear it. There were protesters behind them who, perhaps because of confusion, perhaps because of miscommunication or perhaps they were unwilling to risk arrest, melted into the urban landscape. But those in the thin line from Veterans for Peace, of which the bishop is a member, stood their ground. They were handcuffed, herded into a paddy wagon and taken to jail.
That veterans were arrested simply for their presence in a place dedicated to the memory of those who served in the military is an outrage about which few seem to take note or care.  Shame on you, Mayor Bloomberg, for your directions for general heavy-handed treatment of the Occupiers, but double shame on you for dishonoring the veterans by removing them by force from their plaza.  Yes, the buck stops with you.

Hedges on George Packard:
 Packard's moral and intellectual courage stands in stark contrast with the timidity of nearly all clergy and congregants in all of our major religious institutions. Religious leaders, in churches, synagogues and mosques, at best voice pious and empty platitudes about justice or carry out nominal acts of charity aimed at those bearing the weight of resistance in the streets. And Packard's arrests serve as a reminder of the price that we -- especially those who claim to be informed by the message of the Christian Gospel -- must be willing to pay to defy the destruction visited on us all by the corporate state. He is one of the few clergy members who dare to bear a genuine Christian witness in an age that cries out in anguish for moral guidance.
Sigh....  Too true.

And read George's horrifying descriptions of his service in Vietnam.

Vietnam is now the forgotten war, lost in the mists of recent history from which we took no good lessons.

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Photo from George's album on Facebook.


John McCain this morning on choosing his candidate for vice-president in 2008:
“The absolute, most important aspect is, if something happened to him, would that person be well qualified to take that place?” said McCain.  “I happen to believe that was the primary factor in my decision in 2008.  And I know it will be Mitt’s.”

And McCain did not choke on the words.

H/T to Charles Pierce.


Wish for your deepest desires, she said 
& when I asked if they'd come true, she 
said they always do, so you might as well 
get them out in the open while you're 
still young enough to correct any serious 
From StoryPeople.


Please remember the parish community of St Peter's at Ellicott Mills and the families and friends of Rev. Dr. Mary-Marguerie Kohn and Brenda Brewington, the two women who were shot by a mentally-disturbed homeless man.

From David@Montreal: 
beloved Giants:
I'd ask your prayers for dear brother Paul's Jannita who begins chemo today, and for Gwendolyn's Jim who is to be prepped for  radiotheraphy on the newly-discovered cancer in his brain.
prayers for justice for the Lakota man who while undergoing surgery was also violated by some sick individual who carved initials of hate on his chest at leave it lay where Jesus flang it. prayers for all those who cry out for justice please. prayers for the two wonderful priests (margaret & Joel) who serve this man.
prayers for a transformative outcome to the vote in North Carolina today. and speaking of transformative opportunities, prayers for the people of France and Greece: that they not abandon their inter-connectivity with the rest of creation and they try with their new governments to 'save themselves.'
prayers for the people Syria, for the people of Darfur, for the healing of Charles Taylor's victims.
prayers for the people who live in the shadow of the Mexican-American border, and those who sacrifice their lives there.
prayers for John Andrews and B.C.'s discernment. for all those in discernment. prayers for those needing a way forward. prayers for all those gathered up in Bishop Steven's powerful prayer/blessing today.
birthday blessings for Jane whose day it is.
thank-you beloved Giants
love always- always Love

Thank you.

Thanks to Paul the BB for the picture at the head of the post

Sunday, May 6, 2012


old pavilion worship space with the beginnings of construction for the new
Things are afoot at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  We have been worshiping under a pavilion in the former cathedral parking lot, located between the old cathedral and the old convent.
However, we have a big event coming up later this month: the consecration of the Diocese of Haiti's first suffragan bishop. After 150 years, this is a big deal.  We are the biggest diocese numerically in the Episcopal Church, so there is a lot of territory to be covered.  The cathedral already needed a more solid worship space, something with doors and walls (I heartily concur as I listen to the downpour outside), and Holy Trinity Music School needs a place to hold concerts since the destruction of the Salle Ste Cecile two years ago.  With the upcoming consecration and the need for space for the guests, this new, much larger pavilion is going to be a real blessing.  If I understand correctly, the sides of the building will not go on until afterwards, which will leave more space around the building open for the congregation.

Canon Oge Beauvoir is the suffragan bishop-elect who will soon make history in the Diocese of Haiti.  Read Sarah's entire post and see the rest of her pictures to find out what else is afoot at the site in Port-au-Prince.

Sarah, a  Sister of St Margaret and an Episcopal priest, is in Haiti to help with the recovery from the earthquake that devastated the country a couple of years ago.


St Mary's, Newington
Giles Fraser in the Guardian:
The first impression of my new parish is of feeling loved and wanted by a whole group of people and for what seems like no reason whatsoever. On a stormy Tuesday night they came to my putting-in service, having prepared mountains of Jambalaya rice and patties, all togged up in their Sunday best and ready to sing their hearts out. Bottles of champagne appeared on the doorstep. Afterwards, the party in the church lasted until midnight. Wonderful.
I didn't invite anyone to my induction service at St Mary's, Newington. I've had my fill of polite rejections since resigning from St Paul's – too many unconvincing smiles in the street by former friends and colleagues who suddenly wouldn't break step to say hello. It is a miserable thing to have to face but, as I went through the long list of people I invited to my induction at St Paul's in 2009, I just couldn't work out who among them were still my friends. And I didn't have the emotional strength to decode all those nicely written excuses that middle-class people would come up with for not attending.
Grandpère and I had a similar experience in the groves of academe when he was a somewhat unwilling whistle-blower for telling the truth upon being asked. Some folks wouldn't even look at us. Others gave us a cold greeting and made it clear that no conversation would follow.   The shunning hurt, but, since I never thought of any of those people as friends anyway, it was not as painful as if friends suddenly stopped speaking to us.  GP suffered more than I, because he worked at the university and was demoted.  Had he not been tenured, he probably would have been fired.  Two of his co-workers without tenure were terminated.

I laughed at Giles' references to 'the pathologies of the English boarding school system', Philip Larkin's poem 'This Be the Verse' on 'mum and dad', and the establishment.  One way or another, 'they' get us all.

Read Giles' entire column.  It is excellent.

Giles' series on his life in the new parish is titled Loose Canon.  And why not?

UPDATE: From it's margaret in the comments - Psalm 55 ( a portion thereof)
For had it been an adversary who taunted me,
then I could have borne it; *
or had it been an enemy who vaunted himself against me,
then I could have hidden from him.
But it was you, a man after my own heart, *
my companion, my own familiar friend.
We took sweet counsel together, *
and walked with the throng in the house of God.


Joe Biden comes out in favor of same-sex marriage on Meet the Press:
GREGORY: Have your views evolved?

BIDEN: The good news is that as more and more Americans come to understand what this is all about is a simple proposition. Who do you love? Who do you love and will you be loyal to the person you love? And that’s what people are finding out what all marriages at their root are about. Whether they are marriages of lesbians or gay men or heterosexuals. [...]

GREGORY: You’re comfortable with same-sex marriage now?

BIDEN: Look, I am Vice President of the United States of America. The president sets the policy. I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women and heterosexual men marrying women are entitled to the same exact rights. All the civil rights, all the civil liberties. And quite frankly I don’t see much of a distinction beyond that. [...] I think Will & Grace probably did more to educate the American public than almost anything anybody has done so far. People fear that is different and now they’re beginning to understand.
Joe is probably right about the influence of the TV show Will & Grace.  Well, well.  Meet the Press is good for something besides giving cash and air time to tired, aging pundits with views left over from the 20th century.

Watch him.

H/T to Athenae at First Draft.


Thanks to Juan Cole at Informed Comment.