Saturday, February 16, 2013


Click on the letter for the larger view.

Now you know. I expect the information about eating alligator meat on Fridays in Lent will not be widely referenced beyond alligator territory. Biologically speaking, the alligator is a reptile rather than a fish, but if the archbishop says its meat is cleared for a Friday meal for his flock, then who am I to introduce complications?  My guess is the owner of the 'gator hatchery was pleased to receive clearance for his product to be included in Friday meals during Lent.  Bon Appétit!

Thanks to my friend Dan on Facebook for the copy of the letter.


  1. Have any alligators written to the Most Reverend Gregory Aymand, Archbishop of New Orleans, asking whether it's okay to eat Catholics during Lent? ...

    1. Not that I've heard of, Cathy. The alligators do bite back sometimes...probably without asking leave of the archbishop.

  2. As my son lived and was a worker in the South and in Florida alligator territory for 5 years, I have to say I learned to like it while there and would not mind it for Lent! :-)

    1. Ciss, the meat is tasty, but the idea of eating alligator puts me off.

  3. And don't forget that corned beef is fish least if St. Patrick's Day falls on a Friday.

    1. Really, rick? I did not know that.

      On Ash Wednesday, our priest told us in his sermon that it was OK to be happy during Lent, that we were not required to walk around with mournful faces. I was glad to hear it.

    2. That might be tongue in cheek; however, I understand if a feast day of a patron saint of a diocese (or is it a church?) falls during Lent (except for days like Ash Wednesday or Good Friday) the bishop may exempt that day from the usual fasting rules. A quick google check shows that St. Patrick's day is on a Sunday this year so the usual fasting rules don't apply anyway.

    3. Erp, I remember that Lenten rules were suspended for major feast days like St Patrick and St Joseph. The custom of St Joseph altars is still practiced around here.

  4. Meanwhile in Mexico, bishops are trying to keep endangered sea turtles alive by telling the faithful that they are NOT kosher for Lent. Oy.

    1. The turtle in Mexico is probably the Kemp's Ridley. In the US fishermen and shrimpers have to use turtle-excluder devices, which allow the turtles to escape the nets.

      Alligators were once endangered here and were off limits to hunters, but they've come back with a bang and occasionally turn up in the middle of the street and in carports of residences.


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