Thursday, March 14, 2013


Stormy on the left and Wendy on the right

If I say so myself, these are splendid pictures of the two cats who allow my son and his family to live with them.  Wendy settled herself comfortably on top of the back of the recliner, and, with not much space left, Stormy decided that he wanted to relax on top of the chair back, too, and squeezed his large self into the small space. 

Wendy on the left and Stormy on the right

Above is another view of Wendy sprawled out and Stormy in the small space left over.  The two have the occasional confrontation, but they mostly get along well.  Stormy and Wendy are well-loved and well-spoiled by the family.

Click on the pictures for the larger view.

UPDATE: Please pray for our friend whiteycat's Sammy Cat who has been ill for the past week.


  1. Love those cats! My Diamond sits on the back of my chair while Sammy is on the seat beside me. And, yes, they allow me to serve their every want and need daily. Such is the pleasure of being owned by one or more cats.

    1. I've got to figure out why my pictures are disappearing from my blog. Blogger and Picasa are not working well together.

      Yes, the cats rule the household. Yesterday, my grandson annoyed Stormy and he nipped him on the nose. Stormy has a low threshold for getting annoyed. Sometimes too much petting will do it. He adores my son and tolerates more from him than from anyone.

      Both cats eat special, expensive cat food because of Wendy's delicate digestive system.

    2. I know the special, expensive cat food routine all to well due to my Sammy's chronic digestive issues. Pleas pray for my Sammy Cat. She became very ill last weekend and on Monday I though I would lose her. It has been a very difficult week and we are not out of the woods yet. She was hospitalized at an emergency, specialty facility as well as visits to her own vet twice. Last night she approached her food bowl for the first time in nearly a week. Please keep us in your prayers.

    3. whiteycat, I'm so sorry about Sammy. Of course, I will pray. That she went to the food bowl is a good sign.

  2. Sammy Cat has continued to show signs of improvement, but is not "out of the woods" yet. I am so grateful for your prayers and support. Sammy has another vet appointment Monday evening.

    1. Glad to hear it, whiteycat. I hope Sammy is on her way to a full recovery.


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