Wednesday, May 15, 2013


So. I slept till 9:39 AM by the clock today, although I went to sleep at my usual time of midnight or 12:30 AM. Grandpère kept looking into the room to see if I had died in my sleep, but he did not wake me, for which I'm grateful. I rarely get the 8 hours recommended sleep, as I average about 7 or somewhat less, which is not bad, but I do love to sleep. I'm a night owl who can't go to bed early, and then I have to read myself to sleep. Reading is my sleeping pill.

Grandpère had McDonald's oatmeal with blueberries waiting for me, which makes for a pretty good breakfast. The drawback to sleeping late is that a good part of the day is gone by the time I get going. What time will I eat lunch? Perhaps, I should skip lunch as the oatmeal is filling.

Whoops.  Grandpère just called me to lunch.

UPDATE: Lunch was round steak with gravy and brown rice and string beans fresh from the garden. Yum.


  1. When I lived in Michigan, my *natural* sleep cycle was about 4AM-12PM.

    Since I've moved to California in 2010, w/ my dad, that's no longer possible. My rising time established itself at about 9:40AM (I know: still unimagninably/decadently late to most). I've rarely gotten 8 hours of sleep though, and lately, even *7* seems unattainable (and for the most part, I fall asleep fairly quickly upon going to bed). I just CANNOT go to bed at the "average" time. I just can't. I'm not wired that way.

    [And HOW MUCH do I love my Sunday post-church "Sabbath Nap", the ONLY day I dare try for it?]

    1. I read somewhere that it's not natural for humans to sleep 7 or 8 hours at a stretch, that we'd do better to sleep for shorter periods more than once a day.

  2. I have trouble sleeping more than six hours on any given night. Often it is less. Like you, I am a night person. If I were to go to bed at nine, I'd be up at three. Also, the cats wake me when they perceive it to be play time or meal time!

    The difference here is no Grandpere to bring breakfast! Sounds as if that is something of a charmed existence. Well at least in that situation!

    1. whiteycat, if I went to bed early, I'd be awake at 2 or 3 in the morning to start my day.

      Breakfast is not an every day offering. When GP wants his breakfast from McDonald's, he buys mine, but he knows I don't want their calorie-laden choices, and the oatmeal suits me fine.

  3. I am an early to bed, early to rise person myself. But what I really want to know is how you get your spouse to provide all these yummy meals?

    1. 8thday, GP likes to cook much more than I do, and since he retired, he does most of the cooking in our house. It just sort of happened as I slacked off, he picked up the slack, which is fine with me. :-)


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