Sunday, May 5, 2013


Purity Features 

Germ Free Distribution 

Re-loadable Tubes - 125 Hosts 

Silver & Gold Finishes 

East (sic) To Use Feather Light Design

Also incredible.


  1. Please.....Oh Please.....tell me this is a joke.

    1. David and John, the video does not look like a spoof to me, but I'm not certain it's not a joke. The dispensers are for sale at this site.

    2. I'm in shock! Everybody is so worry to catch a illness...where is the faith.and the believe that the Holy Eucharist is God himself!!!! Jesus is saint, pure and nothing will make us sick,IF we really believe in this great gift

  2. Trendy churches, as I have remarked before and elsewhere, serve Jesus on the croissant.

    1. Joke. Though I was surprised, googling "Jesus on the croissant" to see where I had posted this before.

    2. More like seeing Jesus or Mary in the wood grain of a door or in the way a cloth is draped over a hook?

    3. Google "Jesus on the croissant" to find my earlier post. You'll get a rabid revisionist laugh. Or maybe not.

    4. Lapin, I found the thread. I'm way behind the curve with my idea of mailing out the hosts. Now I remember Oral Roberts mailing out his prayer cloths quite a number of years ago.

  3. Does it come with built-in hand sanitizer so you'll be protected if you haven't washed your hands in the last two minutes? Yeesh.

    1. Or mail it out, if you can't abide the thought of the germs of others in gathering together.

  4. The end is near ... surely, this is a sign ... but hey, after doing 32 hours in three days in poultry purgatory, this made me laugh out loud. I have always believed that if God wanted me in heaven so badly that she let me get a fatal disease from either the bread or the sipping of the wine straight from the cup, well then, it was my Christian duty to cooperate with God's will. Still laughing about this nonsense ... just freaking wow!

  5. Purity is the aim! Personally, I like a few germs with my Lord.

    1. "Purity" - the very word when applied to Christianity now makes me cringe. It shouldn't be that way, but for the distortion. Perhaps it was ever so. I remember hearing a lot about purity in high school from the nuns.

  6. Just as fundamentalist types screech ever louder about the need for "holiness" and "righteousness", so secular types keep reaching new heights of hysteria in their fanatical zeal for "purity" and "healthiness."

    This is but two sides of the very same coin, for those who have eyes to see: an unwholesome symptom of our degraged times.

  7. Replies
    1. Russ - I liked the typo version: deg (degree of) rage-ed ... thus they raged on, growing by degrees ever less thoughtful, only caught up in the thrill of intensity, without considering the consequences of ever narrowing vision ... a new word for troubling times: degraged.

    2. My spell check tells me "degraged" is not a word, but it should be, with Marthe's definition.

    3. By all means use it, ladies, with my compliments.


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