Friday, June 7, 2013


Santa Monica is the latest scene of a mass shooting resulting in multiple fatalities. At least six people are dead after a man reportedly wielding an AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle ran through the Los Angeles suburb, firing indiscriminately at passing vehicles and people as he made his way to Santa Monica College, where he was killed by police.

It's unknown at this time what the man's name is or why he allegedly did this. Right now, it looks like the spree began sometime around noon Pacific time at a house fire, where two men were found dead, apparently from gunshot wounds.
Another mass shooting with at least 6 people dead and others wounded.  Two of the dead were the shooter's father and brother.  And we do nothing.  How many deaths will it take?

UPDATE: Apparently, 5 rather than 6 people were killed in the rampage.


  1. I fear that gun deaths, like DWI deaths which are over 10k a year, are becoming so routine that people are becoming immune to the horror and impact. Violence seems to be becoming our new normal. It's very frightening.

    1. 8thday, I'm running out of words, surely. That we do nothing in the face of the shootings is incredible to me.

  2. Latest story is of a four year old who walked into a friend's house with his dad, picked up a pistol, said "What's this"?....

    And shot and killed his father.

    I'm not sure what to do with these stories anymore. The mass killing ones; the almost daily stories of kids shooting kids, themselves, adults, with guns they shouldn't have access to, that shouldn't be lying around, that shouldn't be loaded (be honest: how many people do you know who have been subject to a 'home invasion,' much less a burglary when the house was occupied).

    I don't know.....

    1. Rmj, I read the story about the four year old who killed his dad earlier today. Much was made of the fact that the father and son dropped in for the visit unannounced. I don't like guns, but my husband hunts, so we have them on the premises. What I don't understand is people who leave loaded guns lying around the house. Tom's guns come out only when he is getting ready to go hunting, and they are not loaded until he is ready to shoot. How in these days and times could anyone not know that guns are lethal? Why would anyone leave a loaded gun lying around the house? What happened to the rule that every gun is loaded until you verify that it is not? And you don't verify by pulling the trigger. Ye gods!

    2. Remember when the NRA was about gun safety?

    3. Yes. That was back when Tom was a member of the NRA. When he dropped his membership, the group sent him notices of renewal or requests for donations for years until I got the bright idea of using their postage-paid envelopes to return the notice with a hand-written note asking them to please stop sending the notices. After a number of such returns, the notices stopped. The same practice works for unsolicited offers of credit cards - eventually.


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