Saturday, August 10, 2013


Anglican-Episcopalians in Central America are preparing to receive one of the references of unity of the Anglican Communion, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, who will be in Guatemala City from August 10-12.

From a news story by Susana Barrera for ALC.

The visit was announced by Bishop Martín Barahona of the Anglican Episcopal Church of El Salvador, who expressed his great satisfaction with the archbishop’s pilgrimage and his decision to travel around the world to get to know the life of other missions.
The stunning bar, lamp and tables are the work of my good friend and artist Leonardo Ricardo.  You may wonder why I picture Leonardo's furniture art on a post announcing a visit to Guatemala by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.  Here's why:
The Archbishop of Canterbury is arriving in Guatemala this weekend.  He will officiate along with Presiding Bishop Armando at Santiago Cathedral on Sunday morning.  They will be sitting on two original Leonardo Ricardo thrones (don´t you love it?). The Cathedral has borrowed two of my elaborately painted oversized arm chairs for the occassion.  Hopefully there will be photos.  I will be attending the ABC´s special visit/mass with Elizabeth Bell....
There you have it.  The two archbishops will be seated in over-sized armchairs created by Leonardo.  The armchairs will be thrones for a day.  Leonardo, I love it!  I don't have a picture of the chairs, but I'm quite certain there will be photos after the service.


  1. I hope Justin Welby will be suitably impressed with Len’s artistry.

  2. What an honor. Of course, Leonardo's furniture is wonderful, and I hope it will be suitably admired.

  3. I just came upstairs to go to bed (we had a little early dinner birthday for Juan Carlos and I am sooo tired as I cooked) and what do I see...thank you, Mimi you will be first to see the chairs (actually I have pictures of them somewhere but they seemed to have gone away with my brains tonight)...Fr. Ricardo came with the workers this morning at 8:00 and wrapped them in blankets and off they went to the Cathedral. He told me there is a big dinner tonight at the Princess Hotel for the gathered Bishops (quite a few for around here including TEC Bishop from Honduras)...I will get up at 5:00 A.M. to get ready and drive to Antigua to ride into Guatemala City with Elizabeth Bell...we have some reserved seating but are warned to get there extra early because, well, you know, this is Guatemala! I'll report back after a late luncheon. Bye, Len/Leonardo

    1. Len, I'm just now getting the email telling me about this comment. Why?

  4. I am so thrilled to think that ++Justin is sitting in one of your chairs, Leonardo! Thrilled because I am hoping that he will absorb some common sense on the LGBT front through - how can I put this delicately? - you get the picture!

    I have cheekily described you as Lay Anglicana's correspondent in Guatemala, so my other Anglican friends are looking forward almost as much as I am to reading your next blog post :>)

    And Grandmere Mimi, you beat me to it!

  5. I just lost the whole thing (we are having a storm)...but there are no pictures until early tomorrow anyway...I will try and post the second part of what I wrote as I think I saved it: NOPE, all gone! Dang! Thanks for keeping up with this...Elizabeth Bell promises the pictures, lots, will be uploaded early A.M. (as she has no staff now and doesn´t know how)

    ¨Church seeking justice will find a way¨ (Justin Welby, ABC)

    I will rewrite in the A.M.

    1. Sorry about your post, Len. Don't you hate when that happens?

      Your quote from Justin sounds encouraging. I await further details and pictures.

  6. BTW, The ABC sat in my coral colored arm chair...Presiding Bishop Guerra in the Turquoise (what could it mean)?

  7. Bishop Martin Barahona was absolutely THRILLED when I delivered Lee Crawfords+ was a very loving hug and he asked me to return it to Lee (via this reply). What a lovely man.


    I tried to deliver a tall hug to Bishop Julio Murray from Panama. I was going to tell him that Padre Mickey sent it, but, alas, it was impossible to get near Bishop Murray...he was absolutely radiant/smiling and clearly appealed to dozens of the hundreds at the courtyard reception. Sorry, Padre, I had good intentions.

    I'll tell what I said to the ABC was a repeat of a quote from his sermon.

    He looks exactly like his photos (his voice is very reidy-perfect-kinda like a full professor of something I'm not terribly fond of -- gives ¨perfect English¨ all new meaning!) he is one serious/articulate fellow -- like many conservatives who are on the brink of trying to make NEW sense because they can't keep trying to make sense of the unworkable past). Tomorrow I will report on his statement that if WE (my emphasis) don't find a way to reconcilliate the Church will destruct. ¨We must do what we can do and not do what we can not do and God will find a way for us¨ (or something like that in my scribble). More tomorrow

    1. I know enough of Martin Barahona to love him, and if Padre Mickey loves Julio Murray, then I love him, too.

      I can't wait for your detailed eyewitness report on Justin Welby, Leonardo.

  8. Looks like I still have the internet for a few:

    Incident. I passed the ABC after he had changed into regular clerical garb in the patio. The place was really jamed, maybe even thousands but I don't know...they had various classrooms numbered to correspond with refreshment tickets at coffee hour...we didn't get in any lines. Back to my first encounter with Archbishop Justin was to meet back to back in passing...I turned around and so did he and I said ¨Sorry, oh, Hi!¨ he smiled and said ¨Hi¨ back to me as we passed (our faces inches away). There was another moment later when I had a picture taken with him (a lady in a blue dress jumped into the photo also)...double dang! That was all amusing but the sermon, I will report tomorrow was very smart thinking...common sense thinking but speaking in quite a grave way...clearly, he knows there is no rolling over and playing sucker or dead! No doubletalking fluff (and no facial hair either)! Yippee! Leonardo in Guatemala

    1. I need to get off the computer because I'm making a lot of mistakes. I'm pleased to hear that Justin knows he needs to move in a different direction. Till tomorrow.

  9. Leonardo's work is always impressive. Let's hope the Archbishop proves worthy. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt by remembering "Only Nixon could go to China" and maybe only a "Conservative" can fix the Communion.

    1. Wade, I'm trying, too. We shall see. Perhaps sitting in Leonardo's chair will give Justin a boost. :-)

  10. We are having a big storm and the lights and internet are on and off...I will try and publish the rest of my report later on Archbishop Justins visit (so sorry the first part is only me setting up what I wanted hear in his sermon)...we will see if it me that listens well...have lots of pictures but can't post them now. Yes, he is sitting in my chair. Len

    1. Thanks, Len. I'll continue to check in at your blog. I can see only a bit of the back of the chair Justin sits in.


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