Monday, August 5, 2013



Wondering how today will go with no sleep last night. The picture shows a less than spectacular sunrise, a view I don't often see, for I'm not an early riser.  Since I wasn't sleeping, I got up from bed before sunrise and hoped for a beautiful sight.  Still, it's a good thing the sun rose, yes?

No major problems, just vague digestive distress, enough to keep me awake.  And, of course, when one tosses and turns, the mind tends to race, which is not conducive to sleep.  A vicious cycle.  I don't often have insomnia.  Sometimes I don't get enough hours of sleep, but hardly ever no sleep at all.  I should be counting my blessings, yes?

Y'all have a good day.

UPDATE: I slept well last night.


  1. Hope you feel better soon, Grandmere.

    We had thunderstorms all night which awoke the dogs who then came and sat on me --and then I got up to run around and close all the windows. Fortunately, I got the dogs simmered down and went back to sleep --only to be awakened by the dogs at 6am --they wanted their morning run.... So, now, hot coffee and prayers.

    Joel asked me this morning --did you see the lightening! Hah!

    1. Thanks, margaret. You didn't do a whole lot better with the weather and all and seeing the lightening.

      What a whiny post. I'm already looking forward to bedtime, because I don't take naps.

  2. Mimi, hope you feel better soon, and get a good night's sleep tonight.

    1. Thanks, Tobias. Chances are good I will sleep tonight.

  3. Yeah, this happens to me, too, sometimes. Frustrating :/

  4. I hate seeing the sunrise because I have usually not had any sleep either. Get some rest and put some of those vague thoughts to blog.

    1. Muthah, I have some vague thoughts, but I wonder if today is the day to try to put the thoughts together.

  5. What? No naps???

    I consider naps to be one of the most luxurious of the simple gifts. A gift we can give to our self. And free!

    I do hope that you have a better night tonight.

    1. 8thday, I would love to do naps, but I can't fall asleep in the daytime. :-( Thanks for the good wishes for tonight.

  6. Insomnia is an old friend of mine. I hope you don't get any better acquainted with him, Mimi!

    1. Tim, I hope not. I've been plagued with insomnia at different times in my life, but not too often lately.

      I'm enjoying your book for the second time. Do you plan to publish in book form? Kindle? When and if you do, you can say one reader liked it so much that she read it twice. Much better the second time around. ;-)

  7. HWMBO and I often have the same problem. I find that recordings of rain or running water help to keep my mind from racing around. I don't know who the patron saint of a sound sleep might be, but whoever it is, I hope s/he's smiling down on you tonight.

    1. Thanks, Chris. There are also the wonderful words in Proverbs, "...when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet." I'm counting on the promise for tonight.

      St Dymphna is the patroness of sleep and also of crazy people. That should work for me.

      I'm deaf, so when I take my hearing aids out, I can hear anything.

  8. Sorry you are having vague gastric distress. When I have that(and isn't it usually at night?), I chew a couple of Walgreen's version of digel, or Tums and it settles right down. I hope you have no trouble tonight.

    1. Thanks, Susan. The vague distress lasted until after lunch, but I feel better now. I tried Tums and Gas-x, last night and in the early hours, but they did not help.

    2. Well, then my advice was for naught! Does this happen very often?

    3. Susan, thank goodness no. I expect I'll sleep tonight.

  9. {{{Mimi}}}

    For me, it's a radio (set to NPR, of course!) set to the volume of just BARELY loud enough to be discernible (if you concentrate), and not so loud to be unignorable. Usually works for me to conk out again within 20 minutes or so.

    1. As I said, I'm deaf. I slept well last night, TBTG and St Dymphna, the patroness of people who suffer from sleep disorders and mental illness.


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