Saturday, June 27, 2015


Michael Curry, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, is the 27th Presiding Bishop-elect of the Episcopal Church. He was chosen on the first ballot.


  1. Loved your Jesus comment at The Cafe!!! Got the reference right away!

    1. That man, Bp. Dan Martins, and others who think like him, have criticized Katharine for 9 years for not saying "Jesus" enough. Even when she said "Lord" it wasn't enough. Grrr

      ‘Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord”, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only one who does the will of my Father in heaven.

    2. As far as the Eucharist, all Bishop Dan has asked is that they manage to read the Rite as written, and not add or change--which is apparently impossible. The PB has admitted liking to change the meaning of traditional Christian phrases and laughing when her changes make conservatives mad, so if she enjoys goading them...

    3. I have never heard Bishop Dan say a kind word about the church in which he serves as a bishop. On his blog and in his comments around and about the internet, his words are bitter and dismissive, not only of Bishop Katharine, but also of the church. Maybe in person, he's a very nice man.

      You know what's in Katharine"s mind? That she's goading the conservatives? Well, you know more than I know.

  2. Need I say that I too am very excited about his election? Well, yes, I am!!!

  3. I don't know anything about Bp. Curry and will have to go look him up - but this is delightful news, to have a black PB. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Our previous presiding bishop was the first woman, and now Michael is the first black PB. We've made history twice. Lets' hope we can move on to have presiding bishops without reference to gender and race. ;-)

    2. I should have said present PB was a woman, because Michael will not be in stalled until Nov. 1.

    3. "without reference to gender and race"

      Sexual orientation and (might not live to see it) gender identity remain, however.

      I confess, I have a strong sense of---is it Schadenfreude?---when someone like Nicholas Okoh, Abp of Nigeria, tries to pull his "We Black Men Say....!" BS to +(+)Michael Curry's face (that is, if they have the nads to face Curry). [Have you noticed that---w/ the exception of the "You Lie!" Congressman---wingnuts have almost never had the guts to publicly diss Obama to his face? Dollars to donuts says Okoh (et al Primatial bigots) will display similar cowardice vis-a-vis Curry.]

    4. While I would never place the next-to-impossible burden of bringing the provinces of the Anglican Communion together on the back of Michael Curry, if relations eased and vitriol was less because of his election, that would be a good thing. The anti-gay African bishops most certainly cannot play the race card against him.

  4. I think your prayer for the election was answered in a big way. I've read Bishop Curry's book 'Crazy Christians' and I was very impressed.

    1. Tim, I'm very pleased with the choice and the fact that Michael was elected on the first ballot by quite a large majority. I met him when he officiated at the wedding of my friends, and he is a warm and lovely man, very down to earth and jolly and filled with the love of God.

  5. Off-topic: happy to see that your Thibodaux is already blue!

    1. Only a few holdouts are paying attention to Jindal's silly executive order, and they won't last long.

  6. This is an irrelevance and a pitifully token gesture by a group that's barely 5% non-White.

    1. unkmonk1, we had an election, and Michael Curry won by a large margin. As I said, I have met Bishop Michael, and, if you had, I doubt you'd label him irrelevant or a token. In fact, I'd pay money to see you say that to his face.


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