Friday, December 25, 2020


To be honest, my spirit of the season is pretty weak. My hope is that the spirit is alive and well in my dear friends and any who read my post.


  1. Nice to see you post again, June. I've been refreshed by reflecting on the meaning of Christmas this year - "God with us" - it's always the same in every year but after the one we've just been through it's especially comforting. I wish you good health, good cheer, and all the blessings of this hopeful season.

  2. Thanks, Russ. Emmanuel, God with us. I wish I still believed that was true. It would be a comfort.

    2021 has to be better than 2020. I wish you every blessing in the season and in the new year.

  3. While I am no longer a believer in a any specific faith, I always think of this time of year as the season of Light Against The Dark. I celebrate it as much as possible, hoping that I have enough light for my own soul, and also hoping I have some light left over for others. You may not post often, but when they come, they remind me of your light, which has given me warmth and comfort, sometimes unexpectedly so. May your faith grant you light, warmth, and grace that lasts throughout the coming year. Thank you.
    Kathy Routliffe/kaffyr, who "met" you on Live Journal.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. I do believe in something larger than ourselves. I believe love and good wishes travel across distances near and far. Your response brings light to my darkness. May blessings and grace abound in your life.

  4. December brings the solstice and its darkness, but remember that the nights grow shorter and the daylight grows from here on through the spring. And with the end of the hurricane season I don't find myself worrying about your safekeeping so much. Keep calm and carry on, June.

    1. Thanks, Paul. The long darkness plus the final destructive days of the Trump regime take a toll.

      I wish you and your family a Blessed New Year. 2021 has got to be better than 2020.


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