Showing posts with label "The Kids Are All Right". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "The Kids Are All Right". Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Another warning: Spoiler commentary ahead.

My afternoon movie yesterday was "The Kids Are All Right" with two wonderful actors, Julianne Moore (again!) and Annette Bening, playing a lesbian couple, Jules and Nic, with two children, Joni and Laser, played by Mia Wasikowska and Josh Hutcherson, both of whom were conceived by the same sperm donor, one each by the two mothers.

The kids decide that they want to meet their biological father. Laser is under 18, so the pursuit of the identity of the donor falls to Joni, who has just turned 18 and is getting ready to head off to college.

The children meet their biological father, Paul (Mark Ruffalo), and then their moms agree to meet Paul, and - surprise! - complications ensue. Nic and Jules are going through a rough patch in their relationship, and Jules begins an affair with Paul, and how's that for a complication?

But, we've come a long way, in that the point of view in the film is that the situation is of the sort that could possibly arise in any family with children conceived by donors and is not at all unique to families with same-sex parents. And the kids are all right.

Again, my time was well-spent, with my mind distracted from the Anglican soap, "As the Anglican World Turns", which world continues to turn whether I pay attention, or not.

Hey! I could do this every day, if I had the time, and I found enough good movies.