Alison is my daughter. Here is her message on Facebook:
Stepped on a bra in laundry room. Slipped and did a full on split. Hear pop and lay on floor for 20 minutes till I can get up. I'm in bed with ice and elevating it. Think it is bad hamstring pull. Way too old to do a split!!!! And worst of all I was suppose to be a vagrant again today.:(
Don't laugh. She's in a lot of pain. I'm afraid I did smile a little at her slipping on a bra. She promised me she would see a doctor tomorrow if she wasn't a lot better.
Alison is looking for employment. She is a teacher, but there are no teaching jobs to be found within reasonable driving distance of where she lives in the 'burbs of New Orleans, so she is searching for other jobs, too. She's been working from time to time as a movie extra, and she had several days lined up to play a vagrant. The pay is not great, but a little money coming in is better than nothing. Of course, working as an extra is out of the picture (literally!) at the moment.
O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Alison the help of your power, that her injury may be healed and our sorrow turned into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
UPDATE: From Alison:
Can walk a little with crutches. Everything very tight. All the other muscles I pulled hurt today so still pain.
UPDATE 2: Alison sent me pictures of her bruises. They are terrible. I'd show them, but they're on a part of her anatomy which she would not want shared on the intertubes.