From the Times-Picayune:
Several delegates said Thompson made a strong impression with his pastoral skills, a special need in the storm-battered diocese of 55 congregations and about 18,000 members.
"He's a very gentle, deeply spiritual man. A kind man," said the Rev. Henry Hudson, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, who nominated Thompson. "His first instinct is always the pastoral word. He's a listener, and that's going to be very helpful."
At the Episcopal church's General Convention last summer, Thompson was with the majority of delegates who voted to declare partnered gay men and lesbians eligible for any ordained ministry. He also voted to direct church resources to preparing rites for same-sex unions.
"I believe the church is moving in a direction that is more inclusive when it comes to the issue of sexuality, and I think the church needs to support people who are gay," Thompson said in an interview Saturday.
What people in New Orleans should know about him, he said, "is that I'm passionate about ministry, about people having a relationship with Christ. And we all have a place at the table, no matter who we are."
That a candidate was elected who voted in favor of opening all ordained ministries to all the baptized and in favor preparing rites for same-sex unions is a milestone here in Louisiana. Those of you from other areas of the country may not fully realize the election as the break-through that it is.
It pains me to see that Morris Thompson is being trashed on the conservative websites, not only as a "revisionist", but as a "heretic", and that few on the progressive side even take note of the election of a fine man who will be an excellent addition to the House of Bishops.
And I know I said that I was moving on, but I changed my mind.