Showing posts with label David-Montreal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David-Montreal. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2011


From David@Montreal:
a call last evening from my sister Joanne with the incredible news that the tumor on Jacques' pancreas has shrunken to less than half its earlier size.

Jacques and Marion returned to the Gaspe about a month ago when the Montreal hospital was able make arrangements to continue his treatment locally, and incredibly he's actually returned to working on renovations on a friend's house (part-time).

he's got a couple more treatments in the current round, and then Marion will be taking him to Toronto to be checked out by the leading specialists in Canada are incredulous

those of you who have been so faithfully upholding Jacques and Marion in prayer will remember late last year Jacques spent almost two months in emergency & intensive care and had been given less than a month to live.apparently the specialists are all confounded by this, however we unspecialized folks are literally singing praise to the Source of All Life Healing

love always-always Love


Very good news, David. Thanks be to God and all who cared for and prayed for Jacques.