Showing posts with label Keystone Pipeline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keystone Pipeline. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Sequestration is hurting real people.  Food pantries are closing; Head Start classes are being shut down; people who run the programs are losing their jobs; grants for scientific research are cut.  Cut, cut cut.  I could go on, and on, and on. 

The Keystone Pipeline is quite likely to be approved.  When the pipeline is built or perhaps while construction is taking place, there will surely be a catastrophe.  Thick and tarry bitumen from fracking is nastier than - well - regular oil is nasty when it spews all over the environment.  And that's not to mention what fossil fuels spew into the air.

The response to shootings in schools?  Guns in the schools.

What kind of awful place are we running here in the Sweet Land of Liberty? I Googled the lyrics of "America, the Beautiful", and the words seemed to mock me.

Resistance is futile. Some days, I just give up and take selfish comfort in the fact that I am old.  And then I think of my children and grandchildren. The circle of concern widens a little, but it's still selfish. If I could just bundle us all up and head for another planet....  But that would mean I was in control, and, as I've already said, resistance is futile.

Photo from Wikipedia.