Showing posts with label Martin McVeigh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martin McVeigh. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2012


From the BBC:
An investigation is under way after indecent images were "inadvertently" shown by a Catholic priest during a presentation at a primary school in County Tyrone.

Father Martin McVeigh projected the images onto a screen during a meeting for parents in Pomeroy in preparation for First Holy Communion. One child was also present.

Parents said 16 indecent images of men were displayed. The priest said he had no knowledge of the offending imagery.

Cardinal Sean Brady said the PSNI had indicated that no crime had been committed.
After the priest left the meeting in dismay and embarrassment, he returned later and said that children making their First Holy Communion receive lots of money, and they should think about giving some of the money to the church.

H/T and thanks to MadPriest for my first belly laugh of the day.  I have no idea what is the story behind the story of the images on the memory stick.  Sabotage?  No crime was committed, but a major gaffe was committed, surely inadvertently.