The motion rejecting the Anglican Covenant has just passed unanimously at the Manawa o te Wheke Diocesan Synod, the first Diocese in the province of Aotearoa- New Zealand and Polynesia to do so.
Unanimously! Let's hope this is the first of a series of dioceses in New Zealand and Polynesia to reject the covenant.
Wording: That Te Hui Amorangi o Te Manawa o te Wheke, for the purpose of providing feedback to te Hinota Whanui/General Synod, states it's opposition to the Anglican Covenant for the following reasons:
-After much consideration this Amorangi feels that the Anglican Covenant will threaten the rangatiratanga (self determination) of the Tangata Whenua (local people).
-We believe the Anglican Covenant does not reflect our understanding of being Anglican in these islands.
-We would like this church to focus on the restoration of justice to te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi which tangata whenua signed and currently do not have what they signed for.
I can't help rejoicing, because I believe that the adoption of the covenant will not be a good thing for the Anglican Communion. It's worse than a daft idea, because the covenant was conceived for the purpose of discipline and punishment. The covenant "will threaten the rangatiratanga (self determination) of the Tangata Whenua (local people)," and it "does not reflect our understanding of being Anglican" in the islands, nor in other dioceses and provinces. (My emphases)
UPDATE: From Janet M in Canada:
Thanks for the heads up from NZ on the Anglican Covenant. I have spent 6 weeks in NZ each of the last 3 winters(their summer), so have a little understanding of the church polity there. In NZ there are 3 parallel churches-pakaha (white) Maori, and Polynesian (mostly Samoan ).
The diocese that has just voted no to the covenant is a Maori one in the central part of the north island based out of Rotorua. This is the most densely Maori region of NZ. In Rotorua is the incredibly beautiful Maori church, St Faith, which features a glass etching of Christ wearing a Maori chief's cloak, and appearing to be walking on Lake Rotorua, seen in the background of the window.The Maori are by and large fairly conservative, but they have a very strong self identity. The most internationally famous Maori Anglican is Jenny Te Paa.
Below is a photo of the lovely glass etching of Christ in St Faith's Anglican Church.

Photo by Galen Frysinger.
UPDATE: A more detailed picture of the glass etching of Christ may be found here.