Loving Father of all,
We humbly pray you to look graciously upon our hurts and heartaches, and especially upon those in the greatest need in this time of trouble. Grant that we may put our whole trust and confidence in your mercy; bind us together in mutual love and service, and make us instruments of your healing and peace, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
And we all say, "Amen!"
If you would like to help:
Checks should be sent to the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama, Carpenter House, at 521 20th Street North, Birmingham, Alabama 35203. Contributions may also be made online through the diocesan website by clicking the “Make an Electronic Contribution” button.
Or you may help with a donation to Episcopal Relief and Development. The national office is supporting the dioceses of Alabama, Atlanta and East Tennessee as they begin their efforts to help with recovery from the devastation from the tornadoes.
Thanks to Ann for sending the prayer.