Showing posts with label cleaning lady. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cleaning lady. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Today I finally fessed up to the cleaning lady that I preferred to make up my own bed with a clean set of sheets. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, CL said, 'I know! I'm terrible at making beds. My daughter complains, and one woman fired me over my bed-making!' My CL does a fine job with all her other duties, so I would not consider firing her over the way she makes a bed, although her method produces results that are much less than satisfactory.

I admit it. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist about wanting a neatly made bed. My previous CL made a bed with a perfection that even I could not equal, so I was a bit spoiled and had high expectations. Our mattress is deep, so it's a bit difficult, but entirely possible, to get the fitted bottom sheet positioned right. Then I want the top sheet, light blanket, and quilt evenly positioned on the the bed. Hospital corners at the bottom of the bed for the top sheet and blanket are de rigueur. Like ironing, I take pleasure in a bed well made. With both chores, I can plainly see the result of my effort.

The new CL has been with us several months, and for a while, I'd remake the entire bed after she left, which involved more work than making up the bed from scratch. Then my CL hurt her back and was out for a while, and Grandpère and I made do for several weeks by sharing the cleaning chores. When she returned, I continued to make the bed to help her so she would not have to strain her back which was not yet fully healed. Finally, the day arrived when she was fully recovered, and I decided to tell her that I wanted to continue the task. I feared I would hurt her feelings, but I did not. All's well that ends well.