Showing posts with label crown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crown. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Over the weekend, I discovered that one of my upper left molars was cracked. I left it alone and tried to remember not to chew on that side, because I was not in pain, and I didn't want to make an emergency visit to the dentist unless it was absolutely necessary. Yesterday, I made an appointment and went in this morning. My heart sank as the dentist said he may have to do a root canal, along with placement of a crown.

I've never had a root canal in my life, and I am such a baby about dental work, probably because, as a child, the dentist drilled and filled my cavities with NO NOVOCAINE! As soon as I sat in the chair, I tensed up and proceeded to take the white-knuckle, death grip on the arm of the chair. Then, as my long-time family dentist injected novocaine, let it take effect, began to poke around in my mouth, he spoke the anxiety-inducing words, "Oh-oh, I may have to do a root canal and a crown." I thought, "Oh shit! But if it must be, it must be."

Then I prayed, "Lord, be with me. Holy Mary, pray for me. All angels and saints, intercede for me." The dentist drilled a bit and pulled out the broken bit of tooth. Then he took an x-ray, drilled more, looked at the x-ray, and said I would need only the crown and no root canal. Yay!

"Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Holy Mary! Thank you, all angels and saints!" - not spoken aloud, because I couldn't talk with the drill working away in my mouth. Good news, indeed, that I would need less rather than more work, but the drilling to prepare the tooth for a crown, was an ordeal, at least for Baby Me. When the work was done and the temporary crown in place, I rose from the chair in great relief. The worst was over. The placement of the permanent crown would be quick and easy in comparison.

I felt a little woozy and wondered if novocaine affects the brain or if the wooziness was the result of the ordeal that every dental visit is for me, even just cleaning. I drove home carefully, thinking that as soon as I reached home, I'd crawl into bed and go to sleep. Fortunately, home is not far from the dentist's office. And here I am typing and not asleep.

UPDATE: I edited the post a bit, to remove repetitions and bad writing, done under the influence when I first posted.