Showing posts with label inhospitality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inhospitality. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


From the Rev. Patrick S. Cheng, at The Huffington Post:

To many anti-gay Christians, I'm nothing more than a "sodomite" who is damned for all eternity. It doesn't matter that I've spent the last decade immersed in the Bible, ancient biblical languages, and the Christian theological tradition. It doesn't matter that I've dedicated my life to preaching, teaching, and ministering to all people, including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. The simple fact that I'm an openly gay man makes all of that irrelevant. To anti-gay Christians, God's destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in chapter 19 of the Book of Genesis is a warning to people like me.

Ironically, I believe that these anti-gay Christians actually have it backwards. The true sin of the Sodomites as described in the Bible has nothing to do with same-sex acts per se. Rather, the ancient Sodomites were punished by God for far greater sins: for attempted gang rape, for mob violence, and for turning their backs on strangers and the needy who were in their midst. In other words, the real sin of Sodom was radical inhospitality. And, ironically, it is often anti-gay Christians who are most guilty of this sin today.

That the sin of the ancient Sodomites was inhospitality was not news to me, but I expect that many who read the piece will not have known. In the desert environment, refusing hospitality to travelers could have meant death for them. Even today, people in the Middle East take hospitality far more seriously than folks in the West. Read the entire article, because it's quite good. I'm pleased to see this information at The Huffington Post.

H/T to Ann at Facebook for the link.