Click on the map for the enlarged view, and then click again for magnification. For those of you who may be concerned about us, you will see from the map that we are not in a zone which will be flooded when the Morganza Floodway is opened tomorrow. Thibodaux is just south of the center of the map.
The floodway will be opened to send more water down the Atchafalaya River basin in order to lower the volume of water in the Mississippi River from above Baton Rouge and New Orleans to prevent the river from overtopping the levees and to relieve pressure on the levees to prevent breaches which would flood a much larger number of people than those who will be flooded by opening the floodway. I feel sad for those who will be inundated, but even if the Morganza Spillway gates were not opened, certain areas near the Atchafalaya River would flood, because of water spilling over the top of the floodway gates. Water is lapping at the gates and leaking through them already.
I hope what I've written makes sense. Thank you for your concern.