Showing posts with label portrait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portrait. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2013



Jane Austen's portrait will replace Charles Darwin's on the Bank of England's 10-pound bank note. The bank note concept, as shown in the photo is nicely done, but I and others want to know why a quote from "the insipid Miss Bingley," a character in Pride and Prejudice, is featured: "I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!"  In truth, Miss Bingley is bored by books, and she only pretends to read to impress Mr Darcy.

Does Jane approve? I'm always pleased when she is honored, though Jane, her sister Cassandra, and her mother were dependent upon the generosity of family members after the death of her father. How sad that she earned very little from her books during her short life, when today she is considered by a good many admirers to be one of the finest writers of English fiction ever. Although I'm pleased that Jane receives the attention now that she never attracted in her lifetime, her portrait on a bank note seem highly ironic to me. Perhaps Jane, a master of irony, is having a laugh. I hope so.

The Prince of Wales, the future King George IV, admired Jane's novels, and he let it be known that he wouldn't mind a dedication in her next book.  Jane did not admire the Prince of Wales, but when royalty sent out the word, she thought it best to comply, which she did, reluctantly, when her next novel, Emma, was published.

In October, I hope to visit England again, so I will be spending Jane.

It's not Jesus on toast, but it's something.