Showing posts with label primate Armando Guerra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label primate Armando Guerra. Show all posts

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Primate-elect Armando Guerra and Padre Mickey

Padre Mickey gives an account, with pictures, of the IARCA Synod at which the Rt. Rev. Armando Guerra, Bishop of the Diocese of Guatemala, was elected the new Primado.

So, today was the big day at the Synod of la Iglesia Anglicana de la Región Central de América (Anglican Church in the Region of Central America, or IARCA). The House of Bishops of IARCA elected the Rt. Rev. Armando Guerra, Bishop of the Diocese of Guatemala, as the new Primado of IARCA, succeeding the Rt. Rev. Martín Barahona , Bishop of El Salvador and Primado for the past eight years.

The Synod has been meeting at Ciudad de Saber, or the City of Knowledge, located in what was formerly Fort Clayton military base, just across from the Miraflores locks of the Panama Canal. We met at the Templo Ecumenico, the former military chapel which is now used by the Ecumenical Committee of Panamá.

Read the details at Padre's blog, Padre Mickey's Dance Party.

UPDATE: From Padre Mickey:

Here's the English translation of the IARCA Press Release that la Revda. Glenda McQueen and I made yesterday.

"The Rt. Rev. Amranod Guerra of Guatemala was elected Primate of the Anglican Church in the Region of Central America, known in Spanish as IARCA, during the IV Provincial Synod helod April 15 - 17, 2010, in Panamá.

"Bishop Guerra, who is 60 years old, is married to Norma Elizabeth Romero; they have three children and three grandchildren. The new Primate takes office in the context of a new mission for IARCA.

"This role includes maintaining communication with the rest of the Anglican Communion, working with the other bishops in the region and serving as an expression of the unity of the Church.

"The new Primate's term of office is for a period of four years, according to the canons of the Church.

"Thank you for your support. This is a difficult task. A new era begins. . ." said Bishop Guerra, visibly emotional. At the same time he thanked God, the House of Bishops, and his family.

"Bishop Julio Murray of Panamá was elected Vice-president of theHouse of Bishops and Bishop Hector Monterroso of Costa Rica continues as Executive Secretary of the Province.

"Among the challenges the new Primate will have to take on is the Mission Consultation Report and its implementation. The report was worked on during the Synod and is the basis for several resolutions to strengthen IARCA´s mission.

"IARCA is one of the 38 Provinces of the Anglican Communion, with some 25,000 members, and is multicultural, mutli-ethnic, and multilingual in character.

"Bishop Guerra succeeds Bishop Martín Barahona of El Salvador, who was Primate for the past eight years.

"The installation of Bishop Guerra as Primate of IARCA will take place on June 12. 2010, in Guatemala.

"IARCA celebrates this meeting in the historic "Ciudad de Saber" or "City of Knowledge" in the former Canal Zone, in which the U.S.A. administered the Panama Canal. Currently this facility offers lodging and is the seat of programs of the United Nations and other organizations.

"The new Primate received the congratulations of those present and was received by the house of Deputies with the singing of the Doxology, a traditional hymn of gratitude in the Anglican Communion.

Susana Barrera/Communications Officer of the Episcopal Church of El Salvador."

Translated by the Rev. Michael Dresbach and the Rev. Glenda McQueen.