Showing posts with label prom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prom. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


From the Daily Comet:
When Monique Verdin wears her rented tuxedo to the Ellender High prom Saturday night, nobody will stand in her way.

Terrebonne Parish school officials said Monday they are backing off enforcement of a school-based rule — also contained in policies at the district's other three high schools — that mandates tuxes for boys and gowns for girls.

Verdin, 19, and her father, Jody Bergeron, were told Friday by the school's principal, Cory Butler, and high-schools supervisor Tony Authement that the teen would be allowed to buy a ticket to the prom but barred from entrance if she wore a tuxedo.

Authement confirmed Friday that the district planned to enforce the rule. On Monday, however, he said attorneys advised him the stance would be difficult to defend in court.

“We are going to allow her,” Authement said. “It was an easy call,” said attorney Berwick Duval, who represents the School Board. “It's a First Amendment issue.”

“It's a good thing,” the teenager said. “They shouldn't have put me through so much trouble like that.”

On Monday, when I read the previous story that Monique would not be permitted to attend the prom wearing a tuxedo, "based on long-held tradition", I said to Grandpère that the decision by the school authorities very likely would not stand and, indeed, it did not.

Monique should not have been put through so much trouble. The school authorities would have done better to seek legal advice before they insisted that the rule would be enforced, then they would not have had to back away from their initial decision.
Authement said the rules mandating gender-specific dress for proms will likely be scrapped altogether.

A wise decision.

Terrebonne Parish is just south of Lafourche Parish, where I live.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Derrick and Richard in their matching black tuxedos

A follow-up on the story of Derrick Martin who asked for and was given permission by the school authorities to take his boy friend to the prom. Unfortunately, Derrick's parents threw him out of the house when the publicity began. A friend's parents took him into their home.


Bleckley County High School senior Derrick Martin made history Saturday when he arrived at his high school prom on the arm of another boy.

He was the first in his hometown of Cochran — and perhaps in Georgia — to ask permission to take a same sex partner to prom and have his school allow it.

About 7:45 p.m., couples started to arrive at the high school in a line of stretch limos, a bus, a John Deere tractor and even carriage and buggy, and afterward walked through a crowd of parents and friends who snapped photos.

When Martin, 18, and his boyfriend Richard Goodman, also 18, stepped onto a makeshift “red carpet” and their names were announced, a few parents whispered but many in the crowd gave him a loud cheer. No one yelled out in protest.

“I wonder if they realize what they’ve done,” said Arturro Beeche, a San Francisco professor who flew into Georgia on Friday and drove Martin and Goodman to the prom. “Once it happens in small-town America, it will inspire so many,” he said.

The move had been met with some conflict, such as talk of a separate prom.
A few weeks back, a small group of students held an opposition rally in front of the town courthouse to protest. Martin’s parents also kicked him out of his home after the publicity.

But a rally in support of Martin was also held in a Macon park and supporters have donated more than $5,000 for college this fall.

Bleckley County High School in Cochran, Georgia, showed Itawamba High School in Fulton, Mississippi, the right way to do it. Fortunately, Constance McMillen's parents stood by her as her school, her classmates, and their parents failed her. There's no word in the story as to whether Derrick's parents have relented and invited him back home, so I presume they have not.

H/T to Jim Burroway at Box Turtle Bulletin for the link.

Friday, March 26, 2010



Gay-rights supporters from across the country are offering to buy everything from boutonnieres to dinner for a Bleckley County High School senior who was granted permission to take his boyfriend to the prom.

At least two supporters have offered to rent a stretch limo for Derrick Martin and his boyfriend.

Martin asked his principal this year if he could take another male to his senior prom, set for April 17.

At first school officials told the 18-year-old that the town of Cochran, with a population of 5,200, wasn’t ready for it.

The high school only had a policy that barred bringing a date older than the age of 21, so school officials subsequently told Martin they granted his request.

But because of the media attention, Martin’s parents have kicked him out and the teen is staying with a friend, he said.

Ann sent me a link a few days ago, but I'm just now getting to post Derrick's story. How sad that Derrick's parents won't share his joy at being allowed to take the person of his choice to the prom. How wonderful that so many people want to help Derrick and his date enjoy their evening and that he has a friend with good and welcoming parents. Derrick's parents now have the negative attention of the media. How embarrassing - much more embarrassing than if they'd shared in their son's pleasure that the school authorities allowed Derrick to take his date of choice to the prom. A tip of the hat to the school authorities for doing the right thing.