Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Word From Roseann

From Roseann to Sue:

Well, later this afternoon they're going to take out the catheter. Leave it out a few days, then put in a new one. They're really loading me up with antibiotics. I'm fairly certain if a germ of bacteria came within 50 yards of me I could zap it. ha!

The putting in and taking out of the catheter is not so bad. They'll put me in twilight, I'll have my iPod on and probably sing really loud and off key. But hey, that's what they get for leaving me partially awake.

I can't post on my blog, only read so please let my peeps know what's up.

Love you so much, Roseann

That's our Roseann. Sue says that she's really unhappy about not being able to read her favorite blogs on the internet connection at the hospital.

The picture is from Roseann's Facebook page. I hope it's all right with her for me to use it.

Grace Brings Freedom

The freedom to fall is also the freedom to rise. It’s precisely in our failure, our experience of poverty, weakness, emptiness that we come to experience God’s restoration and healing love.

From Daily Meditation by Richard Rohr

Bonne FĂȘte du Canada!

To all our dear friends north of the border:


More Prayers, Please - From Arkansas Hillbilly

Hey guys. I posted this on my blog, but thought I'd save you the trouble of trying to find it. Mrs. H's dad was admitted to the hospital last night with trouble breathing and has been diagnosed with emphysema. Would you please add Chris to your prayer lists today?



Arkansas Hillbilly

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On Prayer From David@Montreal

My dear Giants of Faith & Practice
I know it's been a while since you've had one of these from me-
let's just say that Life and the search for livable employment in the current economic situation have kept me rather busy, especially as my own financial resources start to narrow.

But this evening, our Mam spoke with my much loved cousin Frank, who you might remember is still undergoing the course of his gene therapy for leukemia. Close to a month ago Frank was also diagnosed with c-difficile and was isolated at home as the hospital was already overwhelmed with other cases of this. Frank's situation however became serious enough that he was rushed into hospital by ambulance where he's been for some time. The c-difficile's still not beaten, but they've sent him home again, and before he went to bed, he insisted on calling our Mam, to give her news, but also to ask her to pass along his personal thanks to 'all those incredible prayer partners of David's. Tell them, sometimes when it's been going on a little too long, and been a little too much, the thought of them is what's had me draw my next breath.. Tell them thank-you, Auntie Marion. I know it's not enough- just thank-you. But thank-you.'
As you might remember we're also waiting for 'the other shoe to fall-' the inevitable effect of the imperfect 9/10 genetic match, so I'd ask your prayers for Frank, and for Carol his wife who is exhausted and a little raw right now.

I'd also ask prayers again for Crystal, a young woman who has known incredible abuse, illness and suffering in her life, and who is once again hearing voices.

Prayers please for Patrick, a confused & tormented young man in Arkansas, who has made one suicide attempt in the past, who appears to be seriously depressed; and whose Pentacostal Roman Catholic family have turned themselves into an approximation of a closed cult in reaction to the news that Patrick might be gay.

Prayers for the people of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan, and for the work the Holy Spirit is slowly bringing about in Islam.

Prayers please for our dear Barbara C, an incredible paliative care nurse, who may have to undergo surgery for a muscular tear in her right knee which currently has her on crutches.

Prayers please the repose of Deenie, who sounds like the time of person I would have loved to have known. Civil rights, womens' rights, LGBT rights; Deenie made all of these her personal issue, and after a very long course of cancer, Deenie passed this week in Boston, Deenie's deep friendship with our incredible Jane spans decades, so I'd ask prayers for Deenie and our Jane.

Prayers please for Sr. Ellie, and for all those unknown others who suffer spiritual and emotional violence within our Church.
Prayers also for their abusers.

And speaking of the America Church, I'd ask your confident prayers of hope for those dear to us who will be heading to Anaheim in less than a week. most particularly our LGBT brothers and sisters who once again muster such generous good will under the care of the Holy Spirit, to once again speak truth to power in our Church. Most especially I'd ask prayers for Gene , Elizabeth, Susan and her Sweetie Pie who has done some incredible video segments on Full Inclusion. They go with my great love and gratitude.
But I'd also ask prayers for our wonderous allies- the likes of Bishop Bono Bruno of L.A., Bishop Ely of Vermont, Mark Harris, and for the Great Katherine herself of course.etc.etc.etc.

I don't know if any of our American brothers and sisters are aware of this, but in a strange way this is also our General Convention in the rest of the world- in that as members of the Body of Christ the outcomes of Anaheim will have very real, prophetic & personal repurcussions of countless Anglicans throughout the world, and none more so than our LGBT brothers and sisters of faith.

A certain dear brother, more than once has written to remind me that we are a people of hope, and it is in that hope that I'm asking prayers that those gathered in Anaheim might prove themselve capable of the great grace and truth, the great vision and courage the Holy Spirit is calling us all to embody in these times.

Thank-you - with a deep bow, thank-you.

You have no idea the difference your lives your prayers, practice & friendships make.


My dear sisters and brothers, it is a good thing that we do when we join one another in love to pray for those in need. By so doing, we serve to build the Kingdom of God here on earth. With God's help, we make a difference.

The Three Little Pigs

This is a true story, proving how fascinating the mind of a six year old is. They think so logically.

A teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to her class. She came to the part of the story where first pig was trying to gather the building materials for his home.

She read 'and so the pig went up to the man with the wheelbarrow full of straw and said: 'Pardon me sir, but may I have some of that straw to build my house?'

The teacher paused then asked the class: 'And what do you think the man said?'

One little boy raised his hand and said very matter-of-factly, 'I think the man would have said, - 'Well, I'll be damned!! A talking pig!'

From Dougie Boy.
From The State:

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford declared his Argentine mistress his soul mate Tuesday but said he is committed to reconciling with his wife in hopes of saving his family and what is left of his political career.

Sanford, who also admitted meeting his lover more times than he had previously claimed, told The Associated Press in emotional interviews that he "crossed lines" with a handful of other women during 20 years of marriage.

But he said he never went as far as he did with Maria Belen Chapur, the woman at the center of the scandal that has derailed his once-promising political future.

Even with the latest revelations, Sanford maintains he is fit to govern and has no plans to resign. And he insisted his relationship with Chapur, whom he met at an open air dance spot in Uruguay eight years ago, was more than just sex.

"This was a whole lot more than a simple affair, this was a love story," Sanford said. "A forbidden one, a tragic one, but a love story at the end of the day."

During more than three hours of interviews over two days at his Statehouse office, Sanford said he is trying to fall back in love with his wife even as he grapples with his deep feelings for Chapur.

I determined that I would not write more about Sanford, but he won't stop talking.

He acknowledged that he had casual encounters with other women while he was married but before he met Chapur, on trips outside the country to "blow off steam" with male friends.

"What I would say is that I've never had sex with another woman. Have I done stupid? I have. You know you meet someone. You dance with them. You go to a place where you probably shouldn't have gone," Sanford said, declining to discuss details. But he said those encounters were nothing like his relationship with Chapur.

Sanford needs a therapist, not a press conference, and he needs to STFU for the sake of his wife and family.

From Doxy - Prayers For Jim And His Family

Dear Friend’s brother-in-law, Jim (the one with the brain tumor), has been admitted to the hospital with a blood clot in his left leg. Jim was paralyzed on his left side by the intracranial bleeding he suffered a few weeks ago. They are now admitting him to the hospital for a few days and plan to treat him so that the clot does not travel to his lungs. There is a possibility there is already a small clot in his lungs because he does not seem to be oxygenated enough. We will know more tomorrow.

We were able to visit with Jim and his family this past weekend. They are holding up well under a tremendous amount of stress—but they could use some help. I would appreciate the OCICBW community’s prayers for Jim, Ruthie, and their two young sons.



Facebook Can Be Fun!

Now that I've made a little headway toward understanding how it works, I find that Facebook can be fun. Many of my smart, witty friends are there exchanging brilliant, pithy repartee. It only takes a minute or two to dazzle a whole host of people, if you're brilliant and full of pith.

Somehow, when I say something like, "I am going to bed", or "I'm going to take a shower and wash my hair," my friends on Facebook transform the simple statements about the minutiae of my life into dazzling conversation-starters. I am not kidding. This is not snark. It's not me. It's my smart friends.

I tried Twitter, but I was in and out in a matter of a couple of hours. It's not for me now, but I never say never, because you never know, right?

Al Franken Won! (It's About Time!)

From the Huffington Post:

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The Minnesota Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered that Democrat Al Franken be certified as the winner of the state's long-running Senate race.

The high court rejected a legal challenge from Republican Norm Coleman, whose options for regaining the Senate seat are dwindling.

Justices said Franken is entitled to the election certificate he needs to assume office. With Franken and the usual backing of two independents, Democrats will have a big enough majority to overcome Republican filibusters.

Coleman hasn't ruled out seeking federal court intervention.

All Right! Democrats, in the Senate, and I'm looking at you, Blue Dogs, we won. Now begin to act like it. Be strong. Be brave. Do the right thing.

Note to Coleman: Give it up, Norm. You lost.