Wednesday, June 30, 2010


IAVA and Miller High Life are partnering to give veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan more than $1 million in once-in-a-lifetime experiences from NASCAR pit passes to MLB All-Star Game tickets. Help us launch this campaign in a big way by watching our new ad featuring IAVA Member Veterans, and then share it with your friends and family on Twitter or Facebook.

Veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan? Get exclusive access to great gives from NASCAR passes to MLB tickets and more in The Rucksack.


I used to hate birthdays, she told me,
until I figured out I was the Queen of
the Universe & now I do them for the
little people.

From StoryPeople.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Thanks to David Fly via Lisa.



"I TAWT I TAW A PU .... A PUT....

On a lighter note, and, boy oh boy!!! do I need a lighter note.

Thanks to Suzanne. When I saw the subject line of the email, I thought the reference was to Chris Matthews' birthday. But no. Chris is 65, and his birthday is in December.


Oil skimmers try to clean up oil, released from the Deepwater Horizon leak in the Gulf of Mexico, before it reaches wetlands Ted Jackson - The Times Picayune

From NOLA:

Just weeks after the oil spill crisis began to unfold in the Gulf of Mexico, the French foreign minister volunteered a fleet of oil skimming boats from a French company, Ecoceane. A month later, in early June, Ecoceane Chief Executive Eric Vial met with BP and Coast Guard officials to present the idea.

But after that meeting, weeks went by with little contact as oil continued gushing into the Gulf. A frustrated Vial was only able to get around the bureaucracy last week when his company sold nine of the oil collection boats to a private contractor in Florida, who could then put the boats to work.

Oil giant Shell was in negotiations to let BP use the Nanuq, a 300-foot oil recovery boat sitting idle in Seward, Alaska. But in recent weeks, BP declined to bring it to the Gulf.

So. What's going on? Bureaucratic tangles? Delaying tactics? Ill will?

As oil oozes inland, tainting marshes and fouling beaches, local response officials from Florida to Grand Isle for weeks have been begging for the oil-fighting tool that everyone wants but no one can get enough of: skimmers. They're the primary means for attacking oil head-on and collecting it before it hits land, yet local government agencies complain that the number of specialized skimming vessels out on the water is woefully lacking.

"We want all the skimming vessels in the world deployed," said Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser. "This is an oil spill bigger than anything we've ever seen. It's a national disaster. We're at war. If you were at war and in charge, would you deploy everything you had to win the war?"

Well, we all know that the acronym SNAFU originated during World War II, so even in that war....

On the Senate floor last week, Sen. George LeMieux, R-Fla., pointed to a Coast Guard map detailing more than 850 skimmers available in the southeastern United States -- and more than 1,600 available in the continental United States.

"We are literally talking about more than a thousand skimmers that are available, but we only have 400 - if this number is correct -- at work," LeMieux said. "It is hard to believe that the response is this anemic; it is hard to believe that there is this lack of urgency or sense of purpose in getting this done."

US law requires that a minimum number of skimming vessels must remain in place wherever there is drilling in the water.

As for the use of foreign vessels, the Jones Act, a maritime law passed in 1920, regulates the use of vessels from other countries in US waters.

The law prevents foreign crews and foreign ships from transporting goods between U.S. ports; in the Deepwater Horizon case, the "port" would be where the oil is collected offshore. Allen has said that many of the foreign-flagged boats are working the spill more than three miles offshore, meaning they would not be carrying oil to a separate port on shore.

"While we have not seen any need to waive the Jones Act as part of this historic response, we continue to prepare for all possible scenarios," Allen said. "Should any waivers be needed, we are prepared to process them as quickly as possible to allow vital spill response activities being undertaken by foreign-flagged vessels to continue without delay."

The statement by Thad Allen that "we continue to prepare for all possible scenarios" took my breath away. While we probably have not yet reached the worst-case scenario, the present scenario is pretty damned awful.

The enterprising Ecoceane Chief Executive, Eric Vial, who took matters into his own hands and sold nine of his boats to a Florida company, making them American boats which could be deployed quickly without the bureaucratic red tape, looks like a genius.

As of last week, no Jones Act waivers had been granted. According to the joint information center for the response, six vessels involved in oil containment have applied for Jones Act waivers that are still pending.

I've heard comments to the effect that Billy Nunguesser, the president of Plaquemines Parish, is a nut, but when you watch the oil flowing into the wetlands of your parish, and you know that all possible resources are not being deployed to stop further intrusion, your desperate pleas for help begin to sound crazy to those who are not on the scene. What I read and see on TV is enough to send me close to the edge, and I'm not directly affected.

I've concluded that our trip to Grand Isle last week was pretty much a waste of time, since we were permitted to see only the cosmeticized areas of the island.


When I grow up, I want to remember
that I always wanted to be about a
thousand different things & one lifetime
didn't seem nearly enough. When I
grow up, I hope it's at the very end
when it doesn't matter anymore anyway

From StoryPeople.


From Jesus and Mo.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Gulf Oil Spill

The oil spill tragedy unfolding along our coastline has been weighing heavily on many hearts in this Diocese. Even as we brace for the long-term impact, Episcopal Community Services of Louisiana has begun to step in to support families in Terrebonne Parish whose livelihoods and businesses have already been hurt by the spill’s impact on fishing communities. Working in partnership with Bayou Grace Community Services, a faith-based organization serving the 5-bayou area south of Houma — and with support anticipated from Episcopal Relief & Development and from Oxfam America — ECSLA will provide assistance with groceries and gas cards to help families make ends meet, as well as provide referrals, legal assistance, and pastoral care to residents trying to navigate the assistance channels.

ECSLA is proud to support the resilient and hard-working residents of our fishing communities, and we welcome your help. If you have qualifications to assist with legal aid or pastoral care, and can commit to regular days and times in specific communities, please contact Nell Bolton, Executive Director of ECSLA, at Donations to support this effort can be made through the secure donation site at or by clicking here.

Thank you.


June 28, 2010

Sisters and brothers in Christ,

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is both heartbreaking and infuriating. It causes deep sorrow, both for the initial loss of human life and for the deep and lasting damage to an ecology that provides life and livelihoods for so many of God's creatures. At the same time we grieve that the natural beauty of this region, a sign of God's marvelous creativity, has been defiled.

Moving to indignation and anger over the neglect and carelessness that led to this disaster, both in private industry and in government regulation, is understandable. However, to do so without recognizing the responsibility we all share -- as consumers of petroleum products, as investors in an economy that makes intensive and insistent energy demands, and as citizens responsible for the care of creation -- lacks credibility and integrity. An honest accounting of what happened (and what failed to happen) must include our own repentance. (My emphasis)

Nonetheless, God remains faithful in restoring the creation and human community. Among the voices that despair and condemn, we have a witness of hope to proclaim.

First, God, who made the creation and made it good, has not abandoned it. Day after day God sustains life in this world, and the powerful vitality of God's creation, though defiled, is not destroyed. The life-giving power of God's creative goodness remains at work, even in the Gulf of Mexico. The Spirit will continue to renew the face of the earth (Psalm 104:30, as we just sang at Pentecost). All who care for the earth and work for the restoration of its vitality can be confident that they are not pursuing a lost cause. They serve in concert with God's own creative and renewing power.

Moreover, the human family need not drown in a flood of suspicion and recrimination that is more toxic and more lasting than the oil that floods the Gulf can ever be. The cleansing waters of baptism in Christ -- who died not for the righteous, but for the unrighteous -- bring forgiveness and reconciliation with God. In this reconciled life with God we have the freedom to move beyond mutual condemnations and hostility to give a powerful witness of a reconciled community that lives in service of the creation and the neighbor. By refusing to surrender to the toxicity of recrimination, we can convince others that they can join us safely in the life and service of this community.

Responding to a challenge of this size and complexity will call upon countless insights and skills, embodied in hundreds of occupations and trades, and upon the collective strength and will of us all. God's Holy Spirit has abundantly blessed the human community with the gifts needed to do this work. We can do it with sober confidence, good will and even joy.

There are times for mourning and for repentance, as well as for reconciliation and commitment to the creation's care. They come at different moments for different people. As you serve in your communities, I commend to you resources for worship, study and action that express the hope of Christians who see God's creative goodness, Jesus' forgiving reconciliation and the Spirit's abundant gifts for service. This is a moment when the human community needs to hear a word of true hope, and we have one to speak.

In God's grace,
The Rev. Mark S. Hanson
Presiding Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


Get ready for the next new thing. Tumblr is moving up.

From The Economist:

ONLINE archaeology can yield surprising results. When John Kelly of Morningside Analytics, a market-research firm, recently pored over data from websites in Indonesia he discovered a “vast field of dead blogs”. Numbering several thousand, they had not been updated since May 2009. Like hastily abandoned cities, they mark the arrival of the Indonesian version of Facebook, the online social network.

Such swathes of digital desert are still rare in the blogosphere. And they should certainly not be taken as evidence that it has started to die. But signs are multiplying that the rate of growth of blogs has slowed in many parts of the world. In some countries growth has even stalled.

Blogs are a confection of several things that do not necessarily have to go together: easy-to-use publishing tools, reverse-chronological ordering, a breezy writing style and the ability to comment. But for maintaining an online journal or sharing links and photos with friends, services such as Facebook and Twitter (which broadcasts short messages) are quicker and simpler.

No more bitching and moaning about the death of blogging from me. What is, is.

H/T to Andrew Sullivan at The Daily Dish.