Downing Street has announced this morning that The Rt Revd Christopher Chessun is to be the 10th Bishop of Southwark. He will succeed The Rt Revd Dr Tom Butler who retired in March. Consecrated Bishop in Southwark Cathedral on 21 April 2005, he is the Area Bishop of Woolwich, one of the three Episcopal Areas along with Kingston and Croydon in the Diocese of Southwark. He will be enthroned in Southwark Cathedral in the early part of 2011.
Bishop Christopher, 54, who is an identical twin, was also appointed as Bishop for Urban Life and Faith in May 2010. He will continue to hold this role as Bishop of Southwark.
Congratulations and blessings to Bishop Chessun! He's one of the diocese's own, so he won't take his throne as a stranger. (Aside: All churches with bishops should dump the phrase "enthronement". I don't care if the phrase is ancient and traditional, a bishop takes his position as a servant of the servants of Christ.)
I'm curious as to why the mention of the bishop being an identical twin is so prominent in the announcement. Perhaps, the reason is due to the possibility of photos of a person who looks very like the bishop being mistaken for the bishop.
H/T to Thinking Anglicans.
From the comments at TA:
Thank goodness he's not a wound on the church, like that awful Jeffrey John! (Irony alert!)
Oh dear. I meant for the post to be entirely serious, but it did not come out that way. In all sincerity, I pray for Bishop Chessun as he prepares to take up his new duties as Bishop of the Diocese of Southwark.