Sunday, June 26, 2011


Athenae at First Draft splains what to tell the kids when they see the shocking sight of two people of the same sex kissing on the tee vee.
Is this that difficult to discuss with children? Ladies kissing on each other? "Well, honey, they love each other just like Dad and I do. Some ladies are like that. You want a hot pretzel? I'm sending your brother on a concession run. Mama needs another beer."
And ain't dat jes' right?


My friend Doug (Counterlight) and his Michael

I am proud to know Doug and my other LGTB friends, who are far too numerous to mention. I have not met Michael, but I hope to one day. I love you all, and I wish you a great day, whether you join the crowds at parades, or attend parties, or spend the day quietly at home. Mwah, mwah, mwah!

Thanks to Counterlight for letting me borrow his pictures.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


From The Lead:
The Kansas City Star reports that a former Benedictine monk and Catholic priest who is now an Episcopal priest has resigned his position and has begun the process of renouncing his orders after admitting to committing sexual abuse against boys while serving as music director at a Roman Catholic monastery.

Bede Parry, 69, served All Saints Episcopal Church in Las Vegas since 2000 and was received in 2004. The abuse, which took place between 1973 and 1979 at Conception Abbey, in Missouri and affected "five or six" separate victims, one of whom recently filed suit against the Abbey and the Benedictine Order. The suit alleges that he also has "inappropriate sexual contact" with a student at St. John's University in Minnesota in 1982 and again at the Abbey in 1987.
Another sordid story. Parry said he told the bishop in Nevada at the time, Katharine Jefferts Schori, about the 1987 incident, but not about the other incidents.

There's more.

From the Las Vegas Review-Journal:
A spokeswoman at the Episcopal Church’s national office said Thursday that “we do not comment on lawsuits or allegations” and referred questions to the diocese in Nevada.
This simply will not do. Katharine Jefferts Schori, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, who was Bishop of the Diocese of Nevada at the time, permitted Bede Parry to become an Episcopal priest. She must explain why.

Further, Bishop Paul Marshall, of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem, PA, says in the comments at The Lead:
Now let's be serious. When 815-level lawyers threaten and cajole diocesan bishops not to reveal multiple sex-abuse cover-ups at the highest level lest former leaders be embarrassed, what can we expect, and why do we look down on the RCC? Serious and credentialled investigative reporters can contact me.

As a rector I had to follow a priest who was simply passed along by another bishop, and as a bishop have had the same experience with a staff member who was protected by his bishop, with catastrophic results here

On paper, we are a one-strike church, but in reality, too may people are walked. 815 refused comment on this story with principled-sounding obfuscation, which essentially tells it all, doesn't it? There is no more transparency at 815 than previously, as some of the commentators above know to their pain.
(My emphasis)
Bishop Paul is exactly right. We need to hear an explanation from the national office of the Episcopal Church, and the sooner, the better.

UPDATE: SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) put out a statement:
To current and former Las Vegas Catholics and Episcopalians, we say: If you have knowledge or suspicions - however old, small or seemingly insignificant - about Parry’s crimes, it is your moral and civic duty to call police. Please summon the courage to do what's right, call law enforcement and hopefully prevent more devastated lives.

Church officials shouldn’t split hairs, make excuses, and be silent. Whether a predator is a diocesan or religious order cleric, alive or dead, Protectant or Catholic, still in Nevada or moved elsewhere doesn’t matter. The shepherds have a duty to protect his flock, help law enforcement, warn unsuspecting families and work hard to find and help others who’ve been wounded.

Contact - David Clohessy (314-566-9790 cell,, Barbara Blaine (312-399-4747,, Peter Isely (414-429-7259,, Barbara Dorris (314-862-7688 home, 314-503-0003 cell,

Update 2 from the comments:
Ann said...

write the pb's office -- and copy and and
If you'd like to express your opinion....

UPDATE 3: See Ann Fontaine's call for action at The Friends of Jake.


Tobias Haller wrote a series of what he calls "quick icone" selected from Holy Women Holy Men.

The icon above, which is posted at Tobias' blog In a Godward Direction, is the poet James Weldon Johnson, who also wore many other hats.

Below is a brief excerpt from Johnson's poem "The Creation".
AND God stepped out on space,
And He looked around and said,
"I'm lonely --
I'll make me a world."
The poem is wonderful. Please do read it all.

Tobias wrote "quick icone" of G. K. Chesterton, Ini Kopuria, and Thurgood Marshall. The icons are written on cardboard with various materials. Tobias says, "I suppose, in prayer form, this is the difference between the Divine Liturgy and the Arrow Prayer or Ejaculation. (Quiet in the back!)"

He made me laugh. In my Roman Catholic school, we were urged to pray ejaculations, or short prayers, throughout the day, and I do so even today to my edification. (Quiet in the back!)

My Jesus, mercy.

God, help me.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.


"Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak; and that it is doing God's service when it is violating all His laws."

John Adams, letter to Jefferson, 1816
H/T to Rmj at Adventus, who also quotes Reinhold Niebuhr:
In any event we have to deal with a vast religious-political movement which generates more extravagant forms of political injustice and cruelty out of the pretensions of innocency than we have ever known in human history.
Rmj notes that Niebuhr wrote the words in 1959, and says, "Good to know there's been some progress....."

How sad to see it spelled out plainly that, on certain issues, such as economic justice and equality, we have not come a long way, baby. Rmj's entire post is surely worth a read.


...Tom, aka Grandpère. Poor baby has an abscessed tooth. Our dentist saw him this morning and gave him antibiotics, but he doesn't do the kind of work Tom needs. If he can stand the pain, he will wait until Tuesday to see another dentist in town. If the pain gets too bad, he can see someone in the next town over on Monday.

UPDATE: Tom saw the endodontist this morning, who discovered that he had two abscesses, instead of one. The endodontist did two root canals, and he (Tom) is feeling much better. I'm sure the endodontist is feeling much better, too, because he make quite a bit of money off Tom. Still, we're not complaining.


The crowd celebrates outside the Stonewall Inn.

From the New York Times:
Supporters of the same-sex marriage bill danced in the streets of the West Village after the State Senate approved it on Friday night.

Crowds gathered, screamed and embraced in Sheridan Square near the Stonewall Inn, where the gay-rights movement began more than 40 years ago. Many stood on park benches to get a better view. Gay and lesbian bars in the neighborhood were packed with patrons, and the neighborhood had the feel of jubilant celebration.

“Equality is what this means; this is our right as people,” said John Huls, 52, standing in the Stonewall with his partner, Jay Hoff, 50. “It’ll be our same relationship. We’re the same people as when we met, except now it’s proper in the eyes of the state, and I’ll be able to look at people and say, ‘This is my husband.’ ”

Jen Morera and her partner, Rio Morera, who were married in Boston last year and live in Queens, spent hours glued to the television screen in the Stonewall on Friday night. On their fingers were matching diamond wedding rings.
Great news! As a friend said last night, "No turning back. No turning back."

Congratulations, New Yorkers! Thanks to the people in New York who pushed and pushed and did not give up the fight until marriage equality became law. Thanks to the legislators and the governor. Thanks especially to the law-makers for whom the vote in favor of the bill was a difficult choice and who may pay a price at the next election.

Enjoy your celebration, New Yorkers!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Göran and Jack at our gathering in Leeds

From IT at The Friends of Jake:
Long time friend at Fr Jake's and Friends-of-Jake Göran Koch-Swahne, a Swedish priest and formidable Biblical scholar, has been ill for some time, and has now entered hospice. I am assuming this means the same in Sweden as it does here. Notes are being put on his facebook.
And friend of Wounded Bird. Göran flew in from Sweden for our blogger gathering in Leeds two years ago. He is a lovely man, a truly gentle man, whence comes the word "gentleman". Göran is the very essence of a godly gentleman. Some mornings, I woke up to four or five of Göran's wise and gentle comments at my blog.

May God the Father bless Göran, God the Son heal him, God the Holy Spirit give him strength. May God the holy and undivided Trinity guard his body, save his soul, and bring him safely to God's heavenly country; where God lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.


Click on the cartoon for the larger view.

Some of my readers and frequent commenters don't like Jesus and Mo, and, to oblige them, I don't post the cartoons as often as I once did. Still, from time to time....

From Jesus and Mo.


Caravaggio - Oil on canvas - c.1604 - Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City

From Canada, David@Montreal says:
Bonne Fête St-Jean chère Mimi
la Fête Nationale de Quebec
c'est une journé de plui ici a Montréal, mais les nationalistes feront leur defili quand-meme

je t'embrace

Dear David, thank you. Have a lovely day.

I've seen the magnificent painting pictured above twice at the Nelson Atkins. As soon as I walked into the gallery the first time, the painting caught my eye and left me breathless. I knew it was a Caravaggio. It is amazing to see the work of art up close.
Almighty God, by whose providence your servant John the Baptist was wonderfully born, and sent to prepare the way of your Son our Savior by preaching repentance: Make us so to follow his teaching and holy life, that we may truly repent according to his preaching; and, following his example, constantly speak the truth, boldly rebuke vice, and patiently suffer for the truth's sake; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Image from Wikipedia.