Saturday, March 24, 2012


Óscar Romero

Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez (August 15, 1917 – March 24, 1980), commonly known as Monseñor Romero, was a priest of the Roman Catholic Church in El Salvador. He later became prelate archbishop of San Salvador.

As an archbishop, he witnessed numerous violations of human rights and began a ministry speaking out on behalf of the poor and victims of the country's civil war. His brand of political activism was denounced by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church and the government of El Salvador. In 1980, he was assassinated by gunshot while consecrating the Eucharist during mass. His death finally provoked international outcry for human rights reform in El Salvador.

From Wikipedia.
In the sermon just minutes before his death, Archbishop Romero reminded his congregation of the parable of the wheat. "Those who surrender to the service of the poor through love of Christ will live like the grains of wheat that dies. It only apparently dies. If it were not to die, it would remain a solitary grain. The harvest comes because of the grain that dies… We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an effort that God blesses; that God wants; that God demands of us."

From Caritas Europa.

On December 2, 1980, four American churchwomen were killed by El Salvadoran National Guardsmen: lay missionary Jean Donovan, Maryknoll sisters Ita Ford and Maura Clarke, and Ursuline sister Dorothy Kazel .

On November 6, 1989, six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper, and her daughter were killed by armed men who broke into their house: Ignacio Martín-Baró, SJ, Joaquín López y López, SJ, Juan Ramón Moreno, SJ, Amando López, SJ, Ignacio Ellacuría, SJ, Segundo Montes, SJ, Elba Ramos, and Celina Ramos.
In 2009, the General Convention of The Episcopal Church voted to add San Romero de las Américas and the Martyrs of El Salvador to the church calendar. Their feast day is observed on the date of Romero's martyrdom, March 24.

Almighty God, you called your servant Oscar Romero to be a voice for the voiceless poor, and to give his life as a seed of freedom and a sign of hope: Grant that, inspired by his sacrifice and the example of the martyrs of El Salvador, we may without fear or favor witness to your Word who abides, your Word who is Life, even Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be praise and glory now and for ever. Amen.

Óscar Romero

San Romero, ruega por nosotros.


...any word from the dictionary.  Alter it by adding,  subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.

Here are the winners:

 1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.

2. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.
3. Intaxicaton: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.
4. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.
5. Bozone ( n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

6. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.
7. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high
8. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
9. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.
10. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)
11. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.
12. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.
13. Glibido: All talk and no action.
14. Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
15. Arachnoleptic Fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.
16. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

 Once again, Frank is the culprit.

UPDATE: Petty Witter's contributions to the list:
Much harder than it sounds but I had hours of fun only to come up with the following ..........

Crimate: A monkey with a criminal record.
Fate Mail: Correspondence sent by astrologers.
Manxiety: A mental health condition suffered by self obsessed males.
Penopausal: Writers Block as suffered by some female authors of a certain age.

Like!  I will definitely use 'manxiety' in the future, and I may also appropriate 'penopausal' though I'm past the sell-by date.


Blackburn: covenant accepted
Bishops: 2 for / 0 against / 0 abstentions
Clergy: 40 for / 7 against / 1 abstention
Laity: 33 for / 16 against / 1 abstention
Exeter: covenant accepted
Bishops: 3 for / 0 against / 0 abstentions
Clergy: 28 for / 8 against / 1 abstention
Laity: 30 for / 20 against / 2 abstentions
Guildford: covenant rejected
Bishops: 2 for / 0 against
Clergy: 14 for / 22 against / 1 abstention
Laity: 23 for / 18 against / 2 abstentions
Lincoln: covenant rejected
Bishops: 0 for / 3 against / 0 abstentions (corrected figures)
Clergy: 6 for / 28 against / 3 abstentions
Laity: 2 for / 34 against / 2 abstentions
Oxford: covenant rejected (some uncertainty in exact figures, apparently the tellers did not agree, but definitely lost in house of clergy)
Bishops: 3 for / 1 against
Clergy: 14 or 15 for / 36 or 38 against / 2 abstentions
Laity: 32 or 35 for / 24 or 29 against / 3 abstentions
Peterborough: covenant accepted
Bishops: 2 for / 0 against
Clergy: 22 for / 19 against / 1 abstention
Laity: 28 for / 13 against / 7 abstentions

Vote totals from Simon Kershaw at Thinking Anglicans.

"There was some confusion in the tally of Oxford's votes, which has made the update of the statistics difficult, because I had to decide how to include them. There is no doubt about the end result in Oxford: the Covenant proposal was defeated in the House of Clergy."
Bishops: 79.5% for, 14.1% against, 6.4% abstentions
Clergy: 45.7% for, 50.1% against, 4.3% abstentions
Laity: 48.6% for, 46.4% against, 5.0% abstentions

Overall: 48.1% for, 47.2% against, 4.7% abstentions
Overall (clergy and laity only): 47.3% for, 48.1% against, 4.7% abstentions
Percentages from Alan Perry at Comprehensive Unity.


Jonathan Hagger on Facebook:
Following the Holy Spirit's destruction of his personal tower of primatial babble, Archbishop Ozymandias should resign today, and stand down today. He has wasted hundreds of thousands of pounds (probably millions) flying theologians and bishops round the world, arranging conferences etc., etc. which, as Jesus Christ said, should have gone to the feeding of the poor or the spreading of the Gospel.

But there is another reason why he should stand down now. He has spent the last six or so years acting as if the Covenant was already in place. He sacked theologians from communion think tanks, he banned a duly elected (under the guidance of the Holy Spirit which has been proved conclusively by time) bishop from attending the Lambeth Conference. He has flown all over the world bossing other provinces around. He has been a despot.

And his church has overwhelmingly told him (and their friends throughout the world) that this is not the style of church and church leadership that it wants or considers in keeping with its catholic/protestant identity. Therefore, his church has told him that everything he has done over the last six years has been bogus. Can he carry on with such a complete lack of confidence in him as shown by those he is supposed to SERVE? Well, if he was a politician he would be out. As he is a Christian bishop and we are Christians, we will pretend this covenant thing didn't happen and let him enjoy his hobnobbing with the Queen this year.

Rowan Williams was not a good archbishop. He was a lousy archbishop. Possibly the worst archbishop this country has known since archbishops of Canterbury stopped launching bloody crusades against other countries (which I believe was at the end of the 14th. Century).
Now I didn't write the words above; I merely copied and pasted, so don't blame me.  I don't even know enough about the history of the Church of England to vouch for the final paragraph.  See?

Jonathan (aka MadPriest) blogs at  Of Course, I Could Be Wrong....


Omar Khayyam (92)

The sky is a belt
woven from our tattered lives.
The mighty river was formed
by all the tears
our eyes have shed.
Hell is a spark from our
searing pain.
Heaven is a breath
drawn from our
moments of peace.

Translated by Juan Cole
from [pdf] Whinfield 92
Juan blogs at Informed Comment.


FUTURE It doesn't have to look any 
particular way, but around here, if it 
doesn't, a lot of people will never speak 
to you again. 
From StoryPeople.


See the girls dancing in the background?  That's the Cajun jig.  I don't want to appear triumphalist or anything, but I'm dancing a joyful Cajun jig in my humble abode in the swamps of Louisiana.  Why do I dance a joyful Cajun jig?  I dance because the Anglican Covenant was voted down in the Church of England.  You may say that I am triumphalist, but I would never say that.


Nothing to do with the covenant.  From Bishop Alan Wilson at Oxford diocesan synod:
Christ church giftshop criticised 4 selling Harry Potter magic wands; inquiry decided it was OK cos they didn't work

See Not the Same Stream for details.  What would I do without Paul's postings to steal?



LONDON – No Anglican Covenant Coalition Moderator, the Revd Dr Lesley Crawley, has issued the following statement on the defeat of the proposed Anglican Communion Covenant in the Church of England.

“With today’s results from the dioceses of Oxford and Lincoln, the proposed Anglican Covenant is now dead in the water in the Church of England. This also poses serious problems for the Covenant in other Provinces as it seems nonsensical to have the Archbishop of Canterbury in the second tier of the Anglican Communion and excluded from the central committees.

“When we launched the No Anglican Covenant Coalition 18 months ago, we were assured that the Anglican Covenant was an unstoppable juggernaut. We started as simply a band of bloggers, but we would like to thank the hundreds of supporters and our patrons for their dedication to promoting debate. The Covenant needed the approval of 23 diocesan synods, as of today, that result is no longer possible.

“Especially we would like to congratulate people in Diocesan Synods across the Church of England who, despite attempts in many dioceses to silence or marginalize dissenting voices, endeavoured to promote debate, ensuring that the Anglican Covenant was subjected to significant and meaningful scrutiny. We found, as the debate went on, that the more people read and studied the Covenant, the less they liked it.

“Under Church of England procedures , this proposal to centralize Communion-wide authority in the hands of a small, self-selecting group cannot return to the agenda of General Synod for at least three years.

“We are seeing the momentum turning internationally as well. The Episcopal Church of the Philippines has officially rejected the Covenant, the opposition of the Tikanga Maori virtually assures that the Covenant will be rejected in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, and we are seeing increasing opposition in other Provinces of the Communion.

“While today’s diocesan synod results are exciting and gratifying, we are well aware that there is still work to do. However, if the proposed Anglican Covenant does not stand up to scrutiny in the Church of England, we are confident that it will not stand up to scrutiny elsewhere.

“We hope that the Church of England will now look to bring reconciliation within the Anglican Communion by means of strengthening relationships rather than punitive legislation.”


    With 22 votes against the covenant, the deed is done.  Thank you Lincoln and Oxford!  As further results from the dioceses come in, I will post them.

    Blackburn - For
    Exeter - For
    Guildford - Against
    Lincoln - Against
    Oxford - Against
    Peterborough - For