Sunday, July 22, 2012


We hear it today in reference to the mass killing by James Holmes in Aurora, Colorado:
"If someone with a concealed weapon was there, they could have stopped this man."
Donn at Anything You Want responded to the statement in a blog post after another mass killing in May of this year.
 On May 30th, 2012, Ian L. Stawicki, walked into to Cafe Racer about 11 AM. and opened fire with two semi-automatic handguns. Six people died that day, including Stawicki, who turned a gun on himself as police cornered him in West Seattle.  He lived long enough to be transported to the hospital, where he later died.

This article will not address the violence in our society, our cowboy culture, our ongoing affair with the firearm, it's popularity in the movies, gun control, gun banning, or how guns provide us with 2nd amendment solutions when things don't go our way at the voting box.

I'm not wading into the RKBA, the 2nd Amendment, or Gun Control. I'm not going to do it.  That path lies madness.
I'll address one thing, just one thing. It's something I've heard time and again, on Facebook, in comments to articles in the paper, ever since this shooting.  I've heard it said different ways but, the meaning is the same.  Whenever any shooting happens, I hear this statement, usually in defense of legal concealed carry.  It's always the same statement.  It's always misplaced.
Read Donn's post, and you will see why the statement in bold type is false, and the answer to the question in the title of my post is, "No".

How soon I forget.  The previous mass killing was in May of this year, less than two months ago. 

H/T to my Facebook friend, Jay, for the link.


A neutron walks into a bar.  "I'd like a beer," he says.

The bartender promptly serves up a beer.

"How much will that be?" asks the neutron.

"For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge"


Paul (A.)
Oh, that amazing Paul (A.)!  He's an attorney who also knows his science.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


The man in the mosquito-spray truck caught me this evening at dusk.  Thank goodness I was just finishing up my walk and was near my house.  Usually, he will turn off the spray as he passes me, but tonight, he did not.  "They" say the chemical is not harmful to humans and animals, but who the hell knows, except that our back yard feeder still attracts large numbers of birds.  The birds are kind of a test, you know, like the canary in the coal mine.

Why is Mr Spray Man  spraying on a Saturday night?  I thought I was safe, because it was Saturday, and it wasn't even dark yet.  I have to admit that the mosquitoes would be fierce around here without the spray, because we've had a lot of rain.  Yesterday, it rained all day, and I was out with my umbrella several times for Diana to pee.  As soon as the weather clouds up, she wants in the house, but once I had her out on the lead, she was straining to go for a walk.  Sorry, girl, I don't think so.

Such is life in a smallish town in south Louisiana.

Photo from where I just noticed that the picture bears the caption: "An East Middlesex mosquito truck sprays on Bedford's McIntosh Road, not far from a US wildlife refuge that bans the practice."  Yikes!  The entire article is about the controversy over spraying in East Middlesex, Massachusetts.   And the spray may be harmful to bees, which is not good at all.  Oh dear!

On the other hand, we have cases of West Nile fever in Louisiana, though not yet in my area.  Hmm.


All credit to  The Church of Roisinism.


Thanks to Tim Chesterton for introducing me to the beautiful voice of the lovely Mary Black.  She sings the song lyrics from the heart, seemingly without effort.


I love my country passionately; that is why I want to see it do right.  There is a valid place for a sensible patriotism.  But from a Christian point of view, true patriotism acknowledges God's sovereignty over the nations, and holds a healthy respect for God's judgment on the pretensions of any power that seeks to impose its will on others.  There is a place for a sense of destiny as a nation.  But it can be authentically embraced and pursued only if we separate ourselves from the legacy of the combat myth and "enter a long twilight struggle against what is evil in ourselves."*  There is a divine vocation for the United States (and every nation) to perform in human affairs.  But it can perform that task, paradoxically, only by abandoning its messianic zeal and accepting a more limited role within the family of nations.

(Engaging the Powers - Walter Wink, p. 31)
* Captain America and the Crusade Against Evil - Robert Jewett


The myth of redemptive violence is nationalism become absolute.  This myth speaks for God; it does not listen for God to speak.  It invokes the sovereignty of God as its own.  It does not entertain the prophetic possibility of radical denunciation and negation by God.  It misappropriates the language, symbols and scriptures of Christianity.  It does not seek God in order to change; it claims God in order to prevent change.  Its God is not the impartial ruler of all nations but a biased and partial tribal god worshiped as an idol.  Its metaphor is not the journey but a fortress.  Its symbol is not a cross but a rod of iron.  Its offer is not forgiveness but victory.  Its good news is not the unconditional love of enemies but their final liquidation.  Its salvation is not a new heart but a successful foreign policy.  It usurps the revelation of God's purposes for humanity in Jesus.  It is blasphemous.  It is idolatrous.

And it is immensely popular.

(Engaging the Powers - Walter Wink, p. 30)

Friday, July 20, 2012


From the Rt. Rev. Rob O'Neill of the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado:
For now I write particularly to ask your prayers for those who are most directly affected by these shootings—those who are wounded, those who have died, emergency responders, medical and law enforcement personnel, and your colleagues and communities who are providing immediate pastoral care. The greatest gift we have to offer one another is indeed our collective prayer—not merely kind wishes, not simply good intentions, but deep prayer—the ability to hold, tangibly and intentionally, others in that abundant love that flows freely and gracefully within us and among us. This has substance. This has weight and heft. For it is the source of deep healing and lasting transformation

Please make this your intentional practice, and please invite others to join you in doing the same today and in the days ahead.

Deep peace and many blessings be with you.


Bishop O'Neill
H/T to Ann Fontaine at The Lead.


Is there no escape from this myth of redemptive violence?  Yes, there is, but it is difficult.  To face the fear of enemies would finally require us to acknowledge our own inner evil, and that would cost us all our hard-earned self-esteem.  We would have to change, laboriously, struggling daily to transform or redeem our shadow side.  We would have to see ourselves as no different in kind from our enemy (however different we may be in degree).  It would mean seeing God in the enemy as we learn to see God in ourselves - a God who loves and forgives and can transform even the most evil person or society in the world.  Such insight would require conversion from the myth of redemptive violence to the God proclaimed by the prophets and by Jesus.  We would have to abandon our preferential option for violence and replace it with a preferential option for the oppressed.  We could no longer rely on absolute weapons for the utter annihilation of an absolute enemy.  We could no longer justify unchristian means to preserve at all costs the hollow shell of a "Christian civilization" that has, in effect, been filled with the creed of redemptive violence.

(Engaging the Powers - Walter Wink)


You're the strangest person I ever met, 
she said & I said you too & we decided 
we'd know each other a long time.
The illustration for the story is wonderful.  Check it out at StoryPeople.