Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another Good Man

Fr. Geoff Farrow is a Roman Catholic priest in Fresno, California. Upon receiving a "pastoral" letter from his bishop asking all the pastors in the diocese to advocate to their parishioners to vote in favor of Proposition 8, which would overturn a recently passed law permitting same-gender marriages and enforce a ban on them once again, Fr. Farrow could not keep silent and publicly expressed his disagreement with the bishop's "pastoral".

He now has a blog. His first post, titled How It All Began, explains the reason for his disagreement and his decision not to remain silent. His words are beautiful and eloquent.

Fr. Farrow faces serious consequences by publicly expressing his opposition to the bishop's letter advocating for a "Yes" vote for the proposition. I admire him greatly for his honesty and courage. I urge you to visit his blog and read his initial post and perhaps leave a word for him. His comments moderation is enabled, so your comment may not appear immediately.

I can't help but wonder at the RCC bishops' many admonitions to the laity about bringing forth life and procreating, since they do not follow their own advice in the matter. Why aren't they doing their part by marrying and procreating?

Further, how is it life-giving to condemn gays and lesbians to lives of loneliness by not allowing them to bind together and express their love for one another, even if they are in faithful and committed relationships? It seems to me that members of the bishops' flocks are left unpastored. Anyway, Fr. Farrow says all of this a lot better than I ever could.

I offer him my prayers and support.


  1. Oh Mimi!! Thanks for posting this- I am going to link to him too, probably tomorrow.

    A brave man, a very brave man indeed.

    All real change comes from within and not without risk. God bless Fr Geoff.

  2. Yes, have just read his blog directed from another site. A brave man and what he says is so true.

  3. Brian, I'm afraid I know what the next chapter in this story will be.

  4. Thank you for letting us know about Fr. Geoff.

  5. HolyFoolishness, I'm glad to do this. He's a mensch.

  6. Father Farrow has been suspended from his parish by the Bishop. I am sure our prayers for him are continuing

  7. Brain, thanks for letting me know. I knew that the bishop would not let him take his masses this weekend.


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